

Comment regarder Ausentes sur Netflix gratuitement

The Absent

The Absent

Julia et Samuel s'installent avec leurs enfants dans un quartier résidentiel à la périphérie de la ville, un endroit apparemment idyllique..

The Missing

The Missing

Toutes les deux minutes, quelqu'un disparaît au Brésil. Os Ausentes, une agence dirigée par un ancien flic avec sa propre perquisition, prend les cas que personne ne veut pour aider les autres à retrouver leurs proches..

The Absent

The Absent

An old man lives alone in a shabby cabin in a remote mountainous area of Mexico. His house is set to be demolished in order to facilitate the redevelopment of the area. He doesn't know how to protect his house. Time goes by and one day a young man shows up on his doorstep. Looking exhausted, he starts his new routine here, cooking and doing laundry just like the old man..

Los ausentes

Los ausentes

An old man, facing a housing problem, goes back to the place where he was raised. He starts to lose his mind, his memory slowly fades and confusion installs in his brain as he travels through those known landscapes..

Los ausentes

Los ausentes

The young guitarist Rafaelito is supposed to perform at a funeral with two older boys. He’s a little worried because he only knows three tunes..

The March of the Missing

The March of the Missing

A city of iron hosts a lavish government parade, bringing joy and gifts to the calm life of its citizens. Two outisde observers -the first through a tall window, the second through the lens of a camera- are the only ones to notice a group of protesters blocking the path of the main vehicle to call attention to an unjust tragedy..