

Comment regarder Ariadne sur Netflix gratuitement



The constant movement of the wheels, threads, sprockets, feet and hands suggests restlessness, and this is paralleled by the soundtrack. The unknown woman could be Gretchen from Faust, hopelessly in love or Ariadne who gave Theseus the thread to find his way out of labyrinth or perhaps she is one of the fates, weaving destiny… Enlarged from Super-8 to 35mm, the film is very grainy, in itself an homage to the medium of film which is also emphasized by the depiction of all kinds of turning machines, both in image and sound..



The fifty-minute piece is set amidst a lightning storm which splices together two realities: a virtual, seaside Italian villa created in Sims, and New York City, shot with a camera. The rupture forms a third suburban, autumnal realm. Ariadne1, of New York and played by the artist, decides she wants to disappear, allowing lightning to transport her into a virtual realm. The simulated Ariadne2 is seen with a red lightning scar upon her chest—a trace of the act, which she carries with her back into the live-action scene that concludes the film..



In a greek museum a visitor gets lost in the ancient story of Ariadne through a painting on a plate. She takes Ariadnes place and confronts the Minotaur in his labyrinth..

Ariadne Auf Naxos [The Metropolitan Opera]

Ariadne Auf Naxos [The Metropolitan Opera]

La production pleine d'esprit d'Elijah Moshinsky trace habilement la ligne entre l'humour léger et les fondements philosophiques profonds de l'opéra de Strauss et Hofmannsthal, magistralement dirigé ici par le directeur musical du Met James Levine. Deborah Voigt joue le rôle d'Ariane, l'héroïne mythique abandonnée sur l'île de Naxos par son amant, et Richard Margison est Bacchus, le jeune dieu qui finit par l'emmener dans une nouvelle vie. La spectaculaire Natalie Dessay dans le rôle de Zerbinetta dirige la troupe de comédiens qui tentent en vain de remonter le moral d'Ariane. Susanne Mentzer est ravissante en tant que jeune compositrice de l'opéra-dans-l'opéra, et Wolfgang Brendel chante le Music Master..