

Comment regarder Algorithm sur Netflix gratuitement



A freelance computer hacker discovers a mysterious government computer program. He breaks into the program and is thrust into a revolution..

Algorithm: BLISS

Algorithm: BLISS

Vic Beckett, un brillant chercheur, crée l'application ultime qui puise dans le centre du plaisir du cerveau et transmet une sensation de nirvana à l'utilisateur. La célébrité instantanée et les applications commerciales illimitées corrompent son intention altruiste et lorsque des problèmes surviennent avec sa création, il doit faire tout ce qui est nécessaire pour maintenir son application en ligne..

Le monde étrange des algorithmes

Le monde étrange des algorithmes

Nos vies sont touchées par des algorithmes tous les jours, mais la plupart d'entre nous ne sont pas conscients de leur impact extraordinaire sur nos vies quotidiennes. Les Algorithmes peuvent guider une main de chirurgiens, construire des oeuvres d'art, ils contrôlent ce que nous lisons et les produits que nous achetons. Dans ce codage spécial, le professeur Marcus du Sautoy lève le voile sur Les règles secrètes de la vie moderne: Algorithmes..

An Algorithm

An Algorithm

When putting on a play on a lesbian’s suicide attempt, Yun-jeong, an open lesbian in school who plays a leading role in the theater production accuses Ji-won of writing the play without having a better understanding of homosexuality. As such accusation hurts her feelings, Ji-won intentionally approaches Yun-jeong’s ex-girlfriend, Min-a and revises her play script that gradually begins to resemble the story of a real-life ex-lesbian couple, Yun-jeong and Min-a. At the same time, Ji-won gets carried away by her growing feelings for Min-a..

ALGORITHM - Of hackers and DRM

ALGORITHM - Of hackers and DRM

In San Francisco, during September, 2012, nine months before Edward Snowden leaked documents that prove the NSA spies on everyone—Will, a freelance computer hacker specializes in breaking into secure systems. Using a security hole he found while on a job, Will breaks into a top-secret government contractor and downloads all their recently developed programs, including the conspicuously named Shepherd. Every time Will attempts to access Shepherd, bad things happen..

Disparaître - Sous les radars des algorithmes

Disparaître - Sous les radars des algorithmes

Comment protéger ses activités numériques de la surveillance et de la malveillance ? Un panorama didactique des solutions alternatives à la portée de tous. "Nos libertés sont en train de s’évaporer sous nos yeux", s’alarme une jeune chercheuse hongkongaise. Tous les jours, les données personnelles que chacun laisse sur les outils gracieusement mis à sa disposition par les Gafam – messageries instantanées, réseaux sociaux, navigateurs, moteurs de recherche, services de cartographie en ligne et de géolocalisation... – fragilisent le droit à la vie privée. À des degrés divers, l’activité numérique nous expose à de multiples risques : hacking, espionnage commercial, policier ou étatique, cyberharcèlement… Dès lors, comment échapper en ligne à la surveillance et à la malveillance ?.

Mapping the Future: The Power of Algorithms

Mapping the Future: The Power of Algorithms

In the last few years, the data stream flowing through the internet has turned into a tsunami: Ninety percent of the information sitting on the world's servers was created in the last two years. This total digitization opens up completely new possibilities. Suddenly, our entire lives can be modeled mathematically - and become predictable..

Algorithmes - vers un monde manipulé

Algorithmes - vers un monde manipulé

À l’ère numérique, nos existences sont de plus en plus régies par les algorithmes. Par-delà les écrans, enquête sur le "capitalisme de surveillance" et ses dangers, nourrie d’analyses de chercheurs et de témoignages d’utilisateurs..

The Sweet Algorithm

The Sweet Algorithm

As digital multiples and shuffles of Anita Ekberg and Marcello Mastroianni wade through the Trevi Fountain from LA DOLCE VITA, THE SWEET ALGORITHM continues Gregg Biermann's series of films dissecting and repurposing classic film scenes into pulsating, almost hypnotic collage works..

The Algorithm

The Algorithm

Evan (played by Shawn Thia) and Sarah (played by Xenia Tan) enlist into the Institute of Sustainable Population, a governmental facility that assigns all conscripts a spouse as a drastic measure to increase the country’s population. They both hope to make the best out of their situations, albeit in polar opposite ways. Evan tries to game the system for his benefit, whereas Sarah works towards an honest living when their paths eventually cross - for the worse..



A chance meeting between two strangers waiting on their perspective dates leads them to ask if love by numbers is the future of the human race? Or do opposites attract?.

Children of the Algorithm

Children of the Algorithm

"Children of the Algorithm" is a captivating 10-minute short documentary, employing a vérité-style approach to storytelling. Through a non-linear series of intimate conversations, viewers are taken on a journey where the subjects' perspectives seamlessly interweave, gradually revealing common themes that resonate across multiple viewpoints. By skillfully crafting a cohesive narrative from these diverse perspectives, the film offers a profound understanding of how this generation navigates the complexities of coming of age in our rapidly evolving world..