

Comment regarder Albatross sur Netflix gratuitement



Beth, a bookish teenager, befriends Emilia, an aspiring novelist who has just arrived in town. Emilia soon begins an affair with Beth's father that threatens to have devastating consequences..



Les rôles s'inversent lorsqu'un couple mixte progressiste dîne dans l'imposante maison d'un artiste peu exceptionnel et d'un psychiatre douteux..



A powerful visual journey into the heart of a gut-wrenching environmental tragedy, while delivering a profound message of healing and renewal..



A teenage girl receiving anonymous hate messages finds the situation complicated when her aggressive older brother tries to intervene..



With big plans for the future, city boy Tommi chases his girlfriend to the Wild West-fjords. This summer is not going to be like he expected..



The now grown up Leoš remembers his childhood in communist Czechoslovakia of the 1970ies, his escape to Austria and first impressions in this new home, but also the things and people he had to leave behind..



Pour améliorer leur vie, dix personnes obèses vont participer à un camp d'amincissement, appelé "Albatros", dans les Ardennes. Il s'avère toutefois qu'ils portent non seulement physiquement mais aussi émotionnellement des kilos en trop avec eux....

Eagle and the Albatross

Eagle and the Albatross

When an orphaned half Korean girl finds herself in small town America with her only living relative, she seeks out a mentor to help with the only things she loves - golf. The best player in town, the widowed optometrist, takes her under his wing, sending them on a journey to face their fear of losing loved ones and their game. The only problem is, he has three months to live..

Flight of the Albatross

Flight of the Albatross

After a period of separation, Sarah visits her research scientist mother on a remote New Zealand island. Before long Sarah becomes inextricably involved in events involving both Maori legend and an Albatross..

Letters from Albatross  Γράμματα από το Άλμπατρος

Letters from Albatross Γράμματα από το Άλμπατρος

Le film observe l’amitié de deux détenus de la prison de Feltham, une prison pour mineurs de la banlieue de Londres. Paul et John passent leurs journées à enregistrer des chansons qu'ils envoient ensuite à des filles qu'ils ne connaissent pas, créant ainsi un fil imaginaire avec le monde extérieur. Le documentaire suit l'approche du "cinéma d'observation", c'est-à-dire une observation de longue durée, une narration lâche et l'absence de direction durant le tournage..

The Albatross

The Albatross

In the center of a freezing, misty lake, a struggling writer's solitary fishing trip is disrupted by a strange creature from the bottom of a whiskey bottle..

Albatross Soup

Albatross Soup

A man gets off a boat. He walks into a restaurant and orders albatross soup. He takes one sip... pulls out a gun, and shoots himself to death. So...why did he kill himself? Delightfully fluid animation lyrically complements a chorus of voices attempting to investigate a puzzling suicide posited by an idiosyncratic riddle..

The Albatross Cafe

The Albatross Cafe

Sonali is well into her thirties and perpetually, permanently single. She leads a wonderfully full life, and - for the most part - wouldn't change a thing. Her other half and platonic life partner is Jake. They share an uncommonly close bond. Suddenly though, Sonali is left to examine her place in the world when Jake introduces a new, serious boyfriend. Sensing a fundamental shift, she spins out in a moment of doubt, even as she takes bold, decisive steps towards making a family in her own unorthodox way. In a world (even a gay one) that elevates traditional, heteronormative romantic relationships to be unquestionably the most important ones, is there a space for her? Where does she fit?.

The Albatross

The Albatross

A ship sets sail on an epic voyage through malignant natural and supernatural elements from which one man alone survives. An adaptation of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner illustrated by19th Century wood engravings which are animated by scratching directly into the surface of color filmstock. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner with its message of ecological redemption has a curiously contemporary resonance, but it is at the level of the mythic that the poem has lasting relevance; for this epic tale of extraordinary events simply mirrors the struggle that each human being faces on their own in his or her life. -VDB.

Hotel Albatross

Hotel Albatross

Everything changes for a proud chef and an underappreciated cook as they are forced to work together to make a great dish under a hostage situation..

Eleven Cats and an Albatross

Eleven Cats and an Albatross

Eleven naughty cats on the run from the neighborhood police chief hear that a giant fish is nearby for the taking. They go on a hazardous quest find it, learning that they must work as a team to reach their goal..