

Comment regarder Against Time sur Netflix gratuitement

Ben 10: Course contre la montre

Ben 10: Course contre la montre

Les vacances s'achèvent pour Ben Tennyson, sa cousine Gwen et leur Grand-père Max. A la fin de l'été où Ben a découvert l'Omnitrix tous trois retournent pour la rentrée à leur ville natale de Belwood, au désespoir de Ben, qui doit donc arrêter de jouer les super-héros pour reprendre une vie normale. Cependant, cette fin n'est pas aussi calme qu'il l'aurait cru : Eon, un très ancien extra-terrestre capturé jadis par les Plombiers, s'échappe de sa prison. Il souhaite à présent retrouver Ben et l'Omnitrix pour un plan destiné à permettre une invasion de son peuple sur Terre....

Against Time

Against Time

About to finish high school, budding inventor Z.T. (Ean Mering) dreams of escaping both his sleepy town and his gloomy, widowed Dad, COLE (Craig T. Nelson). But his ambitions get a stunning reality check with the arrival of ZACK (Robert Loggia), a raving, 68 year-old drunk claiming to be the boy's older self. Suspiciously unable to recall the exact details, Zack is desperate to avert a single, tiny mistake he claims sent the rest of his years into a tragic spiral. As the two forge a shaky alliance to piece together the old man's fragile memory, Z.T. deals with the pressure from his well-meaning Coach (John Amos) and courts a new love, DELENA (Emilie Jacobs). After a devastating confession from Z.T.'s father, Zack's visit takes on new gravity, as one man, split in two by fifty lost years, realizes that both his future and past now hang perilously, in a race AGAINST TIME..

Against Time

Against Time

"Against Time" is a visual journey, continuing Ben Russell’s investigations into the perception of time and how we listen to music..

Au-delà du temps

Au-delà du temps

Le professeur d’Histoire David Rhodes n'a pas fait le deuil de la mort de son grand frère au Vietnam en 1966. Quand il apprend qu'un célèbre professeur travaille sur une machine à remonter le temps, il le persuade de l'envoyer changer le cours de l'Histoire : s'il pouvait empêcher l'assassinat du président Kennedy, la guerre du Vietnam n'aura jamais lieu..

Two Against Time

Two Against Time

This film finds a mother and her teen daughter both being diagnosed with cancer. This discovery helps to overcome the longtime antagonistic relationship that the two have developed..

Race Against Time

Race Against Time

When a man faces surmounting bills for his dying son's hospital stay, he enters into an agreement to sell his body for organ transplants to pay the bills. However, when he is advised that the doctors want to claim his organs immediately, he goes on the run.

Race Against Time

Race Against Time

Race Against Time is one mans fight to save his sons life. When he is given a diagnosis for his son that is incurable he decides to go on a quest to find a cure and stumbles upon a much darker and deeper world..

Race Against Time

Race Against Time

A break through documentary on the effects of racism in New Zealand. Featuring interviews with Maori and Pacific Islanders examining New Zealand's image as a multiracial society, and articulating the need for New Zealand to operate less mono-culturally and more inclusively. Members of the Taupo Work Co-op speak about not having qualifications, how it affects their lives and their aspirations in life if things were different for them. The film explores an underlying tension that is presented by these issues: not having coped with today's education system, yet unable to relate to things Maori because of not being taught by their elders. Not identifying as part of the Pakeha or Maori worlds leaves many young Maori floating or simply lost in a society from which they feel alienated. For many of these young people living in the cities, life is tough..

Race Against Time: The Search for Sarah

Race Against Time: The Search for Sarah

The true story of the disappearance of Sarah Porter. With no help from the police, Sarah's parents are forced to act on their own to find her. They must battle the bureaucracy of the police department while they are searching all over town for clues to Sarah's whereabouts. When the crucial clue is discovered, Shara's father confronts her kidnapper at gunpoint..

Barbara Thompson: Playing Against Time

Barbara Thompson: Playing Against Time

For over forty years, virtuoso saxophonist/composer Barbara Thompson has been Britain's most brilliant and best-known female jazz musician. But in 1997, the same year that she received an MBE for her services to music, disaster struck. Barbara was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. This is the story of Barbara's inspiring and creative struggle with this disease, whose physical effects are particularly cruel, and visible, in the life of an improvising jazz musician..

A Voyage Against Time

A Voyage Against Time

This pioneering documentary follows a physically and mentally challenging kayaking expedition led by BASHAR AL HUNEIDI and accompanied by Colin Wong & Mansour Al Safran through six countries from Kuwait to Oman. After several dangerous brushes with death, the Expedition is rewarded by Mother Earth with breathtaking scenery, marine, and wildlife on the journey of exposing the region's plastic and pollution of The Gulf..

Race Against Prime Time

Race Against Prime Time

This classic case study in media bias examines how the three network affiliates covered urban unrest in Miami's predominantly African American Liberty Hill neighborhood, following the 1980 acquittal of police officers for the killing of a local resident; how it framed the uprising as "riots," chose the community's "spokespersons" and focused on the inconvenience to white commuters..

Fireman Sam Race Against Time

Fireman Sam Race Against Time

The race is on for Fireman Sam™ & his team. Gareth is taking the Science class to see the Aurora Borealis but, while preparing Bessie, accidentally trips, knocks off the brake and tumbles from the train. As a cabin fire also breaks out, Gareth watches in horror as the train speeds off without a driver and the children on-board! The fire crew is called but their path is blocked by snow and ice and so Sam makes a bold decision, leaping from the helicopter to ski towards the runaway train. It’s a Race Against Time to stop the train before it reaches the end of the line!.