

Comment regarder Adam and Eve sur Netflix gratuitement

Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve

An animated film using abstract cutouts, symbolising life, reproduction, growth and destruction from creation to the end of the world in an explosion, then the beginning of a new cycle..

Adam & Eve

Adam & Eve

Alors qu'il profite de la belle vie à l'université, Adam Baker fait la rencontre d'Eve. Il en tombe instantanément amoureux. Seul problème : elle ne souhaite pas coucher tout de suite....

Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve, once content, face temptation when a peddler visits. Seduced by vanity, Eve desires luxuries. Adam, a gardener, refuses due to meager earnings. Persuaded by Eve, he succumbs to theft. Sin's seeds sprout, shattering their happiness. The peddler discovers the theft, seeking revenge. Townspeople feign indignation, secretly rejoicing. Adam and Eve confess, convicted by stolen property. Imprisonment looms, but mercy leads to banishment. This moral tale explores the consequences of yielding to temptation, showcasing the fragility of happiness and the spiraling effects of transgression..

Adam et Evelyne

Adam et Evelyne

Sur le point de mourir, un joueur invétéré implore son ami Adam de prendre soin de sa fille Evelyne, pensionnaire d'un orphelinat. Adam, fidèle à sa promesse, accueille la demoiselle sous son toit. Très vite, les ennuis commencent. Evelyne, en effet, prend Adam pour son père, et celui-ci n'a pas le courage de la détromper. D'autre part, Moira, la petite amie d'Adam, considère la jeune fille comme une rivale en puissance. Cédant à une pulsion sadique, elle révèle à Evelyne ses peu glorieuses origines....

Adam et Eve contre les cannibales

Adam et Eve contre les cannibales

L'aube des Temps. Adam erre seul. Il s'ennuie et rêve d'une compagne qui, une nuit d'orage, prend vie sur une plage. Eve est née, et ensemble ils vont découvrir la beauté de la Terre mais aussi les choses de la vie, poussés par le ssssssss...sserpent. Après avoir dû combattre des animaux préhistoriques et une tribu cannibale, Adam va devoir mener un nouveau combat : celui de protéger Eve, enceinte....

Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve

Catarina Menezes is a bisexual TV reporter who decides to have a child on her own and chooses Spanish humanitarian doctor Rafael to father the child, setting up an elaborate charade to lure him into her bed. When Catarina reveals her pregnancy, though, her current live-in girlfriend doesn't take to it kindly and promises to make Catarina's life hell; to make matters worse, Rafael finds out her true identity and comes to Lisbon to see her. And Catarina's sole refuge is in the arms of fellow journalist Francisco, her professional relationship slowly becoming a romantic one..

In the Beginning: Adam and Eve

In the Beginning: Adam and Eve

ADAM AND EVE, Episode One of In The Beginning Bible Series , recounts the story of creation and the mastery of God's handiwork, man's fall from grace through that first sin in the garden and the ultimate conflict of betrayal between Cain and his brother, Able..

The Genetics of Adam and Eve

The Genetics of Adam and Eve

One of the biggest debates in evangelical Christianity today is whether Adam and Eve were real people. Sadly, many theologians and scientists say that genetics has disproven the existence of an original couple specially created by God. As a consequence, many have have begun to redefine sin and salvation. But the Bible's language is clear that Adam and Eve were real people. Their historical existence and fall into sin are foundational to the gospel of Jesus Christ. In addition, the science of genetics - including human and chimp comparisons, mitochondrial and Y chromosome DNA, and human genetic variation - confirms and is consistent with the fact that all humans have descended from an original couple specifically created by God as described in Genesis..

Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve

Eva Bianchi, who works as a manicure in a beauty salon in Milan, falls in love with the owner Adamo Rossi. But Adam, who at first always gives her roses, now no longer seems interested in her..

The Sin of Adam and Eve

The Sin of Adam and Eve

Absurd retelling of the story of Adam and Eve, this was the first of several biblical movies by director Miguel Zacarías that were intended to inspire the faithful but only inspired laughter instead. This film gained much notoriety due to the abundant nudity of its stars and was released worldwide..

Adam And 'Eve'

Adam And 'Eve'

"Adam and Eve" tells the interesting story between the wonderful roommates Zhong Adam and Ji Xia (Eve) as they end up in strange situations..

Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve

A TV film based on single act drama written by Miroslav Krleza, that belongs to his expressionist phase. It was first published in 1922, and then regularly as a part of collection of plays called "Legends". By giving them this primordial biblical names, in this drama Krleza speaks about the intricate relation between two lovers, while interweaving reality and unreality, giving wider context of human relations to everything..

Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve

It's all about an anonymous little gray book originating from sexually advanced Paris. The book doesn't look like much, but shouldn't be judged by its cover. Wherever this book goes, something will happen. And for sure, this book goes around..

Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve

Bekir, in anger divorces his wife Kheva, which he regrets. Because of Sharia, she can return if she marries another and is expelled by him. Bekir arranges with Adam, to briefly marry and expel her. Neither Kheva, nor Adam want to separate..