

Comment regarder 47 Ronin sur Netflix gratuitement

47 Ronin

47 Ronin

Un perfide seigneur de guerre ayant tué leur maître et banni leur tribu, 47 samouraïs errants jurent de se venger et de restaurer l'honneur de leurs compatriotes. Arrachés à leurs foyers et perdus aux quatre coins des terres connues, cette poignée de rebelles se voit contrainte de recourir à l'aide de Kai - un demi sang qu'ils avaient jadis renié - lors de leur combat à travers un univers violent, peuplé de monstres mythologiques, de métamorphoses maléfiques et d'effroyables dangers. Cet exil sera l'occasion pour cet esclave rejeté de se révéler leur arme la plus redoutable, et de devenir la figure héroïque qui donnera à cette troupe d'insoumis l'énergie de marquer à jamais l’éternité..

47 Ronin

47 Ronin

L'histoire raconte l'histoire d'un groupe de samouraïs qui se sont retrouvés sans chef (devenus ronin) après que leur daimyo (seigneur féodal) ait été forcé de commettre un seppuku (suicide rituel) pour avoir agressé un fonctionnaire de la cour nommé Kira Yoshinaka, dont le titre était Kōzuke no suke. Les ronin ont vengé l'honneur de leur maître après avoir patiemment attendu et planifié pendant plus d'un an pour tuer Kira. À leur tour, les ronin ont eux-mêmes été contraints de commettre un seppuku pour avoir commis le crime de meurtre..

47 Ronin

47 Ronin

Kon Ichikawa's retelling of the classic true story of Samurai honor. When a young clan lord is forced to commit seppuku (ritual suicide), his loyal followers (now Ronin, masterless Samurai) dedicate their lives to avenging his death..

The 47 Ronins of Ako

The 47 Ronins of Ako

Set in the eighteenth century, during the reign of the fifth Tokugawa shōgun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi. Akō-han is demolished by the Tokugawa shogunate. Hotta Hayato is a ronin who is living a desperate life because of his sad past. But one day he starts working for Chisaka Takafusa, the Chief retainer of the Uesugi clan. The Uesugi clan and Chisaka are wary of Ōishi Kuranosuke and Ako Roshi's movements, so Chisaka orders Hotta to observe Ōishi Kuranosuke..

La Vengeance des loyaux serviteurs

La Vengeance des loyaux serviteurs

Ce film raconte l'histoire vraie d'un groupe de samouraïs qui sont devenus rōnin (samouraïs sans chef) après que leur daimyō (seigneur féodal) Asano Naganori ait été contraint de commettre un seppuku (suicide rituel) pour avoir agressé un fonctionnaire de la cour, Kira Yoshinaka, qui l'avait insulté. Après avoir soigneusement préparé leur plan pendant plus d'un an, ils exécutent un assaut audacieux sur le domaine de leur ennemi juré et exigent leur vengeance, sachant qu'ils seraient eux-mêmes forcés de partager le sort de leur Seigneur pour expier leur crime..

The Loyal 47 Ronin

The Loyal 47 Ronin

This 1932 adaptation is the earliest sound version of the ever-popular and much-filmed Chushingura story of the loyal 47 retainers who avenged their feudal lord after he was obliged to commit hara-kiri due to the machinations of a villainous courtier. As the first sound version of the classic narrative, the film was something of an event, and employed a stellar cast, who give a roster of memorable performances. Director Teinosuke Kinugasa was primarily a specialist in jidai-geki (period films), such as the internationally celebrated Gate of Hell (Jigokumon, 1953), and although he is now most famous as the maker of the avant-garde silent films A Page of Madness (Kurutta ichipeji, 1926) and Crossroads (Jujiro, 1928), Chushingura is in fact more typical of his output than those experimental works. The film ranked third in that year’s Kinema Junpo critics’ poll, and Joseph Anderson and Donald Richie noted that 'not only the sound but the quick cutting was admired by many critics..

The 47 Loyal Ronin

The 47 Loyal Ronin

An adventure film with Benshi performers. Sometimes considered the 'first Japanese feature film', it survives today as a compilation of scenes from various different 1910s adaptations totaling nearly three hours in length. The bulk of the content comes from the 1911 adaptation by legendary Japanese filmmaker Makino Shozo..

Another 47 Ronins: Genroku Taiheiki

Another 47 Ronins: Genroku Taiheiki

In the 14th year of the Genroku period, Asano, the head carpenter of Edo Castle, attacked Kira, the master of ceremonies, with a sword, leading to Asano's forced suicide and Kira's punishment being overlooked. Over a year later in Edo city, Shimohashi Hyogo, a carefree ronin and the nephew of Yagyu Yoshitaka, is ordered by his uncle to investigate the activities of the Ako Ronin, a group sympathetic to Asano's cause. However, Hyogo, who sympathizes with the Ronin's plight, helps out in times of need, rescuing Oishi Kuranosuke and Horibe Yahei from danger. He also teams up with Yaenosuke, a newspaper publisher, and Otaki, a geisha, to plan an attack on Kira's estate..

The 47 Rōnin in Debt

The 47 Rōnin in Debt

Feudal lord Takuminokami Asano has been led to kill himself due to a scheme by Kozukenosuke Kira. Having no time to mourn his death, samurai Kuranosuke Oishi decides to take revenge on Kira, planning an attack with the help of accountant Chosuke Yato… but they don't have enough in their budget..

Akō Rōshi

Akō Rōshi

"Ako Roshi" is a group of 47 former retainers of Lord Asano. Lord Asano was forced to commit suicide after attempting to kill Lord Kira. Once the retainers hear about their Lord's death, they sacrifice their lives to regain the honor of their former master..