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4 Faces

4 Faces

A southern pastor under fire, a father with an addicted son, an SS man in South America and a holocaust survivor in four tales, portrayed by the same actor..

4 Faces of Eve

4 Faces of Eve

Made up of four short stories. One, a lonely hooker can't stop crying whenever she has sex with her clients. She approaches a shrink and ends up stalking him. Two, a long suffering wife and the mistress of her husband bonds. Three, a weird tale of a lesbian avenging her comatose twin sister by killing her unfaithful boyfriend. And lastly, a woman one day suddenly decides that she had enough of her failing marriage and desperately seeks a reinvention of her life..

Les 4 Faces de l'Aiguille Verte

Les 4 Faces de l'Aiguille Verte

Paul Bonhomme, guide de haute montagne et guide Allibert Trekking, aime les projets mêlant haute technicité et endurance. En 2018, il a imaginé enchaîner en alpinisme et ski de pente raide les quatre faces de l’aiguille Verte en moins de 24 heures, au départ de la vallée de Chamonix. Julien, passionné d’images de montagne, a filmé son aventure..

4 Buildings, Facing the Sea

4 Buildings, Facing the Sea

Three months after the March 2011 disaster in Fukushima, TEPCO, the electric company operating the nuclear power plant, installed a livecam on the facilities. The images, on which days and minutes add up, are available online. Using them for sole visual material, such is the daring challenge Philippe Rouy has taken up in 4 bâtiments, face à la mer. (Nicola Féodoroff, FID 2012).

The Many Taboos of Death - Part 4

The Many Taboos of Death - Part 4

For mature audiences only! View over 60 Shockumentary scenes in this 90 minute volume! This shocking Video is the 4th Part in THE MANY TABOOS OF DEATH Series. The fearless cameramen transport you to ghastly scenes while risking their own lives. Peer into this unique world of unpredictable tragedies and man's inhumanity to man. This video contains eerie visits to morgues, cruel sacrifices, deadly prison riots, political assassinations, fatalities at sporting events, gruesome acts of torture, and indiscriminate human atrocities.



Une collection de quatre contes populaires japonais aux thèmes surnaturels : Les Cheveux noirs, La Femme des neiges, Hoïchi sans oreilles, Dans un bol de thé..