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Training Day

Training Day

15 ans après les événements du film Training Day, Kyle Craig, un jeune policier afro-américain idéaliste basé à Los Angeles, doit faire équipe avec Frank Rourke, un vétéran au caractère bien trempé redouté de tous. Les deux hommes vont devoir apprendre à s'apprivoiser pour pouvoir travailler ensemble efficacement..

Training Day

Training Day

Jake Hoyt est une nouvelle recrue de la police de Los Angeles. Décidé à devenir inspecteur, il sollicite une mise à l'essai de 24 heures auprès du sergent chef Alonzo Harris, un vétéran de la lutte antidrogue qui opère depuis douze ans dans les quartiers les plus chauds de la ville. D'emblée, Harris fait monter la pression, considérant Jake comme un gamin, raillant sa candeur et son inexpérience. Commencent alors une longue et périlleuse tournée à travers les bas-quartiers, les premiers contacts rudes avec les dealers et les informateurs, la découverte d'un monde trouble où Harris se meut en grand seigneur. Peu à peu, Jake apprend à connaître le policier : son cynisme et son jusqu'au-boutisme fanatique, qui les entraîneront dans des situations de plus en plus dangereuses..

Training Day

Training Day

TRAINING DAY is a half hour educational, inspirational, hip and fun sports show revealing how top, famous athletes, transform themselves from an average to super human. Creator, Director and host Flo Vinger will spend a day and training with these top athletes..

Training Day: Day of the Riot

Training Day: Day of the Riot

A prequel to the 2001 film Training Day. It will reportedly follow a younger version of Denzel Washington's character, Alonzo Harris, during the violent Los Angeles riots of 1992 following the controversial Rodney King verdict..

Personal Training With Jackie: 30 Day Fast Start

Personal Training With Jackie: 30 Day Fast Start

Get a FAST START and transform your body from head to toe using Jackie's secret Power Pyramid Training method pulled straight from the programs she uses with celebrity clients. Pyramid training is the fastest way to see changes your body whether you are just starting out or need to break through a plateau. In these two power packed workouts you'll perform pyramid sets that combine Jackie's handpicked, dynamically sequenced moves with high rep progression to put you in the ultimate fat burning zone. You'll overload every major muscle group which is the fastest way to build lean muscle and turn your body into a fat burning machine! You'll work hard, but it's worth it for these results. Stick with this program for 30 days and take your body to the lean extreme!.

A Day of Training

A Day of Training

Regarding field training as the best training to prepare for real combat, platoon leader Sung Jin and his soldiers overcome all the unexpected and untoward circumstances with indomitable fighting spirit and endurance and striking tactics..

Sityodtong Training Camp

Sityodtong Training Camp

Learn the art of Muaythai at one of the best training camps in Thailand. From the traditional Grandmaster Sityodtong, to the present Onechampionship Founder Chatri Sityodtong; to the ever next surviving prodigy kru toy and his assistant yodbandit sityodtong; to the formidable Austmon Sityodtong..