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The Hearts of Age

The Hearts of Age

Dans un décor colonial aux États-Unis, une vieille dame est assise à califourchon sur une cloche tandis qu'un homme en noir, perruque et livrée, tire la corde de la cloche. D'une porte située en hauteur sort un vieil homme, habillé en dandy, qui tire son chapeau à la femme et descend l'escalier en souriant. D'autres sortent par la même porte et descendent les mêmes escaliers : un homme minable, un flic et, à plusieurs reprises, le même dandy. L'homme au visage noir se pend, le dandy continue de sourire. Une cloche sonne, une tombe fait son apparition. Dans l'obscurité, le dandy joue du piano. Est-il la Mort ? The Hearts of Age est le premier film réalisé par Orson Welles. Il s'agit d'un court métrage de huit minutes, qu'il a co-réalisé avec William Vance en 1934. Le film met en vedette la première femme de Welles, Virginia Nicholson, ainsi que Welles lui-même. Il a réalisé ce film alors qu'il fréquentait la Todd School for Boys, à Woodstock, dans l'Illinois, à l'âge de 19 ans..

Heart Against Hearts

Heart Against Hearts

George Lam and Carol Cheng play a couple who finally settle down after a long-running love marathon. Their troubles begin when George loses his job and becomes a house-husband, while Carol and daughter (Vivian Chow) become the breadwinners of the family..

Hearts That Do Not Age

Hearts That Do Not Age

Azem has retired after 30 years working as a truck driver. However, he still hasn't gotten used to this quiet lifestyle. His friends help him go through this important moment of his life..

The Best Secret Agent Part 3: Golden Pheasant Heart

The Best Secret Agent Part 3: Golden Pheasant Heart

Li Tsui-Ying (Pai Hung), the Best Secret Agent, disguises herself as a train conductor to assist Changjiang guerrilla leader Chiang Hsiao-Tien (Wu Chia-Chi) to evade the patrol of Japanese troops. Li adopts the pseudonym of White Peony in her Peking opera performance for the puppet government president, Han Zhaogui. Chiang discovers that his former lover Liu Feng has become Han's wife, but he finds that Liu still loves him and keeps their love token golden pheasant heart. White Peony would like to destroy the Japanese army’s project of building a secret airport. However, when she rescues Chiang from Han’s secretary, Ma Zuo-wen during an attack of Han in the cinema, White Peony falls in love with Chiang, without knowing that Chiang’s lover is Liu. In a final duel between White Peony vs Ma and Han, she realises how much Chiang loves Liu. She returns the golden pheasant heart that Ma took away from Liu to the lovers. The next day when Liu wakes up, White Peony has gone..