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Un agent des services secrets américains est chargé de sauver la fille du Président des États-Unis et de déjouer un complot visant la Maison Blanche..



Portant capes et slips en cuir, l'héroïque Léonidas et ses 13 - eh oui, 13 seulement ! - Spartiates s'apprêtent à affronter l'envahisseur venu de Perse. Le combat s'annonce d'autant plus difficile que l'armée de Xerxès, le roi des Perses, compte parmi ses rangs Ghost Rider, Rocky Balboa, les Transformers, une Paris Hilton bossue, et une brochette de créatures toutes plus redoutables les unes que les autres....

La Bataille des Thermopyles

La Bataille des Thermopyles

480 ans avant Jésus-Christ. Alors que la puissante armée perse s'apprête à envahir le territoire grec, le roi de Sparte Léonidas tente de lever une armée pour défendre un passage montagneux stratégique. Il ne parvient à rassembler que 300 soldats spartiates à la tête desquels il part courageusement affronter les hordes perses dans une bataille sans espoir..

Le Merdier

Le Merdier

Pendant la guerre du Vietnam, un conseiller militaire se met à douter du bien-fondé de sa mission, et de celle des hommes qu'il envoie au combat..

Rise and Fall of the Spartans

Rise and Fall of the Spartans

Explores every aspect of Sparta's culture, lifestyle, history and legacy. Author Steven Pressfield reflects on the significance of the Battle of Thermopylae, where a force led by 300 Spartan warriors stalled the advance of a hundred-thousand-plus strong Persian army for nearly a week. Scholars explore the factors that drove the Peloponnesian city-state to strive for martial excellence. Ancient accounts explain how Sparta's warriors were trained and detail their prowess in battle..

Spartan: Ultimate Team Challenge

Spartan: Ultimate Team Challenge

A sports entertainment competition series based on the obstacle race of the same name bringing people together in teams of five - two men, two women, and an "elite Spartan athlete" that will be picked by the show and serve as "team captain." Each team of five are responsible for getting their teammates through mud, water and, barbed wire, culminating with an attempt to conquer the dreaded Slip Wall for a shot at $250,000..

The Spartans

The Spartans

The rise and fall of one of the most extreme civilisations the world has ever witnessed – one founded on discipline, sacrifice and frugality, centred on the collective, whose goal was to create the perfect state and the perfect warrior..

Everyday Spartans

Everyday Spartans

A group of 8 “Everyday Spartans” will embark on a journey to challenge themselves and become better, faster, and stronger Spartans. To do so they will need to face though obstacles together and support each other on the way as ‘One Team’..

Black Spartans

Black Spartans

The social upheaval of the mid-1960s converged with football at Michigan State University. This is the story of the first fully integrated college football national title team that forever changed the face of the country and the sport..

300 Spartans: The Real Story

300 Spartans: The Real Story

300 Spartans-The Real Story. Putting aside the myths and legends, this documentary takes a detailed look at the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC Greece leading to the last stand of the 300 Spartans and Spartan King Leonidas. On the 3rd day of the battle, when Leonidas was being surrounded, he sent most of his troops away and covered their retreat with a last stand because Spartans never retreated..