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The Matrix Recalibrated

The Matrix Recalibrated

The making of Matrix Revolutions, The (2003) is briefly touched on here in this documentary. Interviews with various cast and crew members inform us how they were affected by the deaths of Gloria Foster and Aaliyah, and also delve into the making of the visual effects that takes up a lot of screen time. Written by Rhyl Donnelly.

A Glitch in the Matrix

A Glitch in the Matrix

Et si nous vivions dans une simulation, et que le monde tel que nous le connaissons n'était pas réel ? Pour aborder cette idée déroutante, le cinéaste Rodney Asher s'appuie sur un discours célèbre de Philip K. Dick. Il explore les différentes hypothèses scientifiques, philosophiques et les théories du complot qui pourraient prouver l’existence d’une « matrice »..

Matrix: Generation

Matrix: Generation

Dès sa sortie, Matrix a eu une influence considérable sur la pop culture mondiale, mais aussi sur de nombreux aspects de nos vies. Ce film précurseur continue d’alimenter d’importants débats sociétaux, notamment sur l’usage des technologies numériques, les questions de genre et l’anticapitalisme..

Making 'Enter the Matrix'

Making 'Enter the Matrix'

A look at Enter the Matrix: The game's story picks up just before The Matrix Reloaded and runs parallel to that of the film. Bend the rules of the Matrix with martial arts, pilot the fastest hovercraft in the fleet, or just fight with lots of guns..

The Matrix Reloaded: Car Chase

The Matrix Reloaded: Car Chase

This thirty-minute documentary follows the Wachowski sisters and the film's crew through production on the film's famed highway chase sequence. We get interviews with the visual effects supervisors, the stunt coordinators and even are taken through aspects of pre-production and planning for the scene. Then the documentary moves into production, the scariest aspect of which is certainly Carrie Anne-Moss trying to learn to ride a motorcycle good enough to do so safely without helmet for the scene. We also watch as the stretch of freeway used in the film is being built..

Making 'The Matrix'

Making 'The Matrix'

A promotional making-of documentary for the film Matrix, The (1999) that devotes its time to explaining the digital and practical effects contained in the film. This is very interesting, seeing as how they're giving away the cinematic secrets that they created solely for the this movie, that have now been spoofed and referenced in countless other films..