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Match Point

Match Point

Jeune professeur de tennis issu d'un milieu modeste, Chris Wilton se fait embaucher dans un club huppé des beaux quartiers de Londres. Il ne tarde pas à sympathiser avec Tom Hewett, un jeune homme de la haute société avec qui il partage sa passion pour l'opéra. Très vite, Chris fréquente régulièrement les Hewett et séduit Chloe, la sœur de Tom. Alors qu'il s'apprête à l'épouser et qu'il voit sa situation sociale se métamorphoser, il fait la connaissance de la ravissante fiancée de Tom, Nola Rice, une jeune Américaine venue tenter sa chance comme comédienne en Angleterre....

Match Point 2.0

Match Point 2.0

In 2021, the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (SIAC) launched six new men’s volleyball programs at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). This is an unprecedented expansion of the sport, with special emphasis on providing more opportunities for minority athletes to play volleyball at a high level. With the addition of these six programs, collegiate volleyball will see more minority players, coaches, and fans. In a game that is currently largely made up of white players, what does this expansion within the HBCU space mean for the sport?.

Match Point

Match Point

A Pattaya guy, Sand, who runs a gang that makes their money any way they can from tourists is trying his best to get a girlfriend named Ned, a local beach volley ball star, but she is attracted to her coach. A big match is set with another team but there is trouble as they all get drunk with bar girls and their foreign "boyfriends". A huge fight ensues between the rivals and the tourists the night before the match. However this may be Sand's chance to show her he is the best choice...or is it?.

Impact Point

Impact Point

Talentueuse et plantureuse joueuse de beach-volley, Kelly Reyes sait gérer la pression. Elle compte de nombreux supporters, mais c’est en véritable fanatique qu’un certain Holden suit sa carrière. Pourtant, quand le fan devient un amoureux éconduit, l’adulation tourne à l’obsession et la dévotion devient meurtrière….

Beyond Somebody's Farewell, Probably

Beyond Somebody's Farewell, Probably

Match Point is an on-going series at Last Word on Pro Wrestling, where we look at intriguing matchups in indie wrestling and beyond. They may be dream matches, first-time matchups, or hotly anticipated rematches. Today’s edition focuses on an intergender match of epic proportions that was teased at All In. It will be “Thick Momma Pump” Jordynne Grace taking on “The Machine” Brian Cage for the first time, at Beyond Wrestling’s “Somebody’s Farewell Probably…” on September 16, 2018..