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Au nom du maintien de l'ordre

Au nom du maintien de l'ordre

Un nouveau phénomène mondialisé : une police suréquipée face à des foules furieuses et sans défense qui brandissent leurs téléphones portables pour tout enregistrer tandis qu'une minorité s'attaque à la police qui ne doit pas réagir. La guerre des images sur les médias sociaux polarise encore plus la police et les manifestants. Le premier épisode se concentre sur la police anti-émeute avec des exemples en France, en Allemagne, aux États-Unis….

Au nom de la loi

Au nom de la loi

Le corps de l'inspecteur Clamart flotte sur la Seine, une balle dans la nuque. Il était sur le point de boucler une enquête importante. Ses collègues remontent la piste....

In the Name of the Law

In the Name of the Law

Deemed "the D.W. Griffith of Turkish Cinema," Omer Lutfi Akad directs this 1952 film based upon real events that took place in İstanbul, in the following years of World war II. It is about a love triangle that led to homicide. It was a stylistic departure of what otherwise had been typical of Turkish melodramas of the time..

In the Name of the Law

In the Name of the Law

A group of four policemen is known for cruising the streets of Stockholm in their van, looking for drunks or criminals they can beat up with their batons. Lately witnesses saw them pick up a drunk who later was found dead. The four policemen deny any knowledge. Police inspector Jarnebring gets the case and finds out that these four policemen have been reported for 22 cases of police brutality. Shortly after, another criminal dies in their van....

Get Dressed in the Name of Law

Get Dressed in the Name of Law

A studio exercise conceived as stylized reconstruction of the Exctinction Rebellion's protest that took place at Zara store, on the Na Příkopě boulevard. Combining acting and an authentic testimony of twenty years old girl Néa, the film aims to reflect the inner states of mind that activists experience during the tough moments of "direct action"..