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Les hauts de Hurlevent

Les hauts de Hurlevent

Un jeune enfant apparemment abandonné est trouvé et élevé par la riche famille Earnshaws. Appelé Heathcliff, le garçon devenu jeune homme, va devoir combattre la famille qui l'a recueilli..

Liberty Heights

Liberty Heights

Baltimore, 1954. L'Amérique entre dans une nouvelle ère et la famille Kurtzman va connaître, elle aussi, de nombreux changements. Ben, le fils cadet, qui a toujours vécu dans un milieu et un quartier exclusivement juifs, voit s'ouvrir de nouveaux horizons en fréquentant Sylvia, la seule élève noire de son lycée. Mais le père de celle-ci, un médecin bourgeois et soupçonneux, met rapidement le hola à cette relation. De son côté, Van, le frère de Ben, tombe amoureux de la belle et aristocratique Dubbie. Quant à leur père, il s'efforce de sauver son petit music-hall..

The Battle of Shaker Heights

The Battle of Shaker Heights

A quirky teen with a penchant for war reenactments, Kelly Ernswiler obsesses over military tactics with his buddy Bart. The school bully is one of Kelly's regular headaches, and he also has to deal with a frustrating situation at home, where his father is a recovering drug addict. Kelly's life gets even more complicated when he falls for Tabby, Bart's pretty and soon-to-be-wed older sister..

Les Hauts de Hurlevent

Les Hauts de Hurlevent

Le maître du domaine des Hauts de Hurlevent, Mr Earnshaw, élève dans la quiétude ses deux enfants, Hindley et Cathy. Un jour, il recueille un jeune bohémien, Heathcliff qu'il décide de prendre sous sa protection et d'élever comme son fils. Quelques années plus tard, Heathcliff, devenu un homme, est amoureux de Cathy... Mais il ne peut l'épouser à cause de sa basse condition sociale..

Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights

Gipsy boy Heathcliffe is adopted by a god-fearing landowner in northern England and grows up as the soul-mate of the daughter, Cathy Earnshaw. When father dies, stern son Hindley returns and bans Heathcliffe to the stables; when they spy upon their upper class neighbors, Edgar Linton sends the dogs upon them and chases Heath but starts an affair -love comes only from him- with her. When Hindley's socialite wife Frances dies in childbirth, he is completely embittered, becomes a drunk unable to care for his son Hareton and has to sell Wuthering Hights- to Heathcliffe. After a misunderstanding Cathy marries Linton, Heath retorts by a loveless match with his sister. Even Cathy's death doesn't stop the cycle of spite, grief and harm so it poisons the next generation's lives as well while she keeps haunting Heathcliffe.

Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights

New adaptation of Emily Brontë's famous novel, a story of love and uncontrollable passion, exploring the deepest feelings to the extremes to which love can lead us, especially when there are many obstacles to overcome. A Yorkshire melancholy story about a love stronger than death..

Sunset Heights

Sunset Heights

Irish thriller starring Toby Stephens. Belfast of the near future finds the city ruled by two rival law-enforcing punishment squads. When Luke Bradley (Stephens)'s son is found murdered, suspicion falls upon the local preacher (Jim Norton). Taken to Sunset Heights, a druid's circle on a hill overlooking the city, the accused is summarily executed by the boy's father. However, when another child goes missing, it appears that they have killed the wrong man - or that the preacher has come back from the dead to wreak his revenge....

Dead & Company: 2023-06-07  Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre, Maryland Heights, MO, USA

Dead & Company: 2023-06-07 Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre, Maryland Heights, MO, USA

Set 1: Good Times(Sam Cooke cover) Big River(Johnny Cash cover) (tour debut) Friend of the Devil(Grateful Dead cover) They Love Each Other(Jerry Garcia cover) Black-Throated Wind(Bob Weir song) (tour debut) Big Railroad Blues(Cannon’s Jug Stompers cover) Dark Star(Grateful Dead cover) (verse 1) Johnny B. Goode(Chuck Berry cover) (tour debut) Set 2: Eyes of the World(Grateful Dead cover) (> 'Dark Star' verse 2) Fire on the Mountain(Grateful Dead cover) Shakedown Street(Grateful Dead cover) (>) Drums(Grateful Dead cover) (>) Space(Grateful Dead cover) (>) The Eleven(Grateful Dead cover) (>) Death Don't Have No Mercy(Reverend Gary Davis cover) (>) Going Down the Road Feeling Bad([traditional] cover) Encore: Knockin' on Heaven's Door(Bob Dylan cover) (Bobby on acoustic guitar) (tour debut).

Émeutes à Brooklyn

Émeutes à Brooklyn

Août 1991. Le quartier de Crown Heights, Brooklyn, est divisé par des différences de culture, de race et de religion. Lorsqu'un jeune afro-américain est tué et un autre blessé dans un accident de voiture, les tensions raciales éclatent et les émeutes laissent le quartier en ruines. Deux hommes de clans opposés tentent alors d'apporter un peu d'humanité dans leur univers....