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The Shield

The Shield

Vic Mackey est un détective en charge d'un petit groupe : la Strike Team. Lui et les membres de cette équipe luttent avec acharnement contre les gangs, le trafic de drogue, etc. Pour cela, ils n'hésitent pas à utiliser leurs poings. David Acedeva, son supérieur, connaît les méthodes de Vic et essaye par tous les moyens de l'épingler..

Gewalt no Mori - Kare ha Waseda de shinda

Gewalt no Mori - Kare ha Waseda de shinda

A documentary about the end of the student movement in 1972 and the lynching of Daizaburo Kawaguchi, a student at Waseda University. The documentary interweaves testimonies from japanese intellectuals and a short play, written and directed by Shôji Kôkami, about the murder..

Frucht der Gewalt

Frucht der Gewalt

Reporter Laura Verhofen is a self-confident woman. She made a career for herself and yet, as a single mother, she was always there for her daughter Karin. Karin admires her mother, but she doesn't understand why there are never any men in Laura's private life. Even the identity of Karin's father is a taboo subject. So the young woman sets out on her own to shed light on Laura's past....

Le quatrième pouvoir

Le quatrième pouvoir

Jan Schulte, père célibataire et journaliste free-lance, espère décrocher un CDI grâce à un scoop fracassant : la ministre de la Santé aurait joué de sa position pour que son frère bénéficie plus rapidement d'une greffe de coeur. Mais le scandale est en réalité une fausse rumeur, a priori destiné à nuire à la ministre. Puis les documents incriminants disparaissent mystérieusement des bureaux du quotidien. Tandis qu'il continue son enquête, Jan noue une liaison avec une jeune députée, Katharina Pflüger. Peu à peu, Jan découvre que la concurrence entre politique et médias laisse peu de place aux sentiments, et que la presse est moins innocente qu'il ne le pensait....



Thirteen-year-old Daniel lives with his older brother and terminally ill father in a village plagued by rural exodus. There, the young people live their lives between rare bus stops, xenophobia, unemployment, illegal dog fights and chemical intoxicants, among other things. Daniel stands between childhood and adolescence, and in the face of the indifference and stagnation of his surroundings, he becomes the victim of inhuman conditions that force him into a painful loneliness..

The Brutes

The Brutes

On the edge of a big city on a go-kart track, Mike and Werner meet Alice and her friends. They like the girl. Mike manages to separate Alice from her group and get into the car with Werner. It had been decided to go to a lake with the others to take a bath at night. Too late Alice realizes that Mike and Werner did not drive to the agreed lake, but to a lonely gravel pit. The friends will not come anymore. And she realizes the intentions of her companions..

La quatrième pouvoir

La quatrième pouvoir

Internet a tout changé, pour le journalisme aussi: des modèles commerciaux s’effondrent, les nouvelles sont accessibles gratuitement, partout et à tout moment. J’accompagne des journalistes dans leur quotidien, vois combien ils luttent et je fais ce qu’ils font, eux aussi: j’observe et j’interroge, je questionne, je me questionne moi-même, ma fascination et ma méfiance. Moi aussi, je me sens chez moi sur la Toile. Je suis utilisateur – tout en étant utilisé..

Baseballschlägerjahre - Die Wendegeneration und rechte Gewalt

Baseballschlägerjahre - Die Wendegeneration und rechte Gewalt

After the end of the GDR, thrashings, threats and hunts were part of everyday life. In the years after the reunification of the early 1990s, hatred, racism and violence against foreigners and supporters of leftist ideology broken out in Eastern Germany. Most of those involved was young people. In many cities and towns, the streets and squares belonged to the right-wing scene, organized in neo-Nazi comradeships. Bomber jackets, combat boots and the Hitler salute showed the intimidated rest where they were. The baseball bat was a popular weapon. There were riots, attacks on asylum seekers' homes, mass brawls and hunt downs to those who look or think differently. It doesn't took long and the first deaths were to be mourned. The majority of the Eastern German population looked the other way or even applauded the deeds. A bad omen for the political development of later years. In six film segments, a team of authors take a look at the time reflected in interviews with contemporary witnesses..

Extrémisme de gauche : entre protestation et terreur

Extrémisme de gauche : entre protestation et terreur

Les groupes extrémistes de gauche opérant en Europe ont choisi la violence comme tactique politique : ils attaquent les bureaux des partis de droite, s'en prennent à la police, provoquent des émeutes lors de manifestations. Bien que la violence gauchiste soit en augmentation, elle ne reçoit pratiquement aucune attention de la part du public. Une enquête sur les prétendues bonnes violences exercées au nom d'une cause supposée juste..

Gewaltopia Trailer

Gewaltopia Trailer

The title Gewaltopia Trailer has a dual meaning in the Japanese language; one meaning for the word yokoku (trailer) could mean a compilation of extracts to promote a film, but it can also mean a prediction, a prophecy for the future as a Gewaltopia. The film accumulates footage from his earlier films and arranges them in different contexts, a characteristic style of Jonouchi's who often re-edited his films for each screening and provided different soundtracks..

Violence au pays de Gandhi

Violence au pays de Gandhi

«La caste est le centre de la démocratie indienne : sa cohésion est assurée par la violence», analyse la militante et écrivaine Arundhati Roy. Si l'Inde, quatrième économie mondiale, se targue d'embrasser la modernité, elle demeure l'un des pays les plus inégalitaires au monde, en dépit des principes proclamés dans sa Constitution. Hiérarchies et discriminations se maintiennent avec une violence inouïe. La survivance du système de castes à l'échelle du pays et l'omniprésence des abus masculins à l'encontre des femmes, à tous les niveaux de la société, restent des réalités insupportables..

Kämpfende Gewalten oder Welt ohne Krieg

Kämpfende Gewalten oder Welt ohne Krieg

This film tells the story of the fictional Dr Barnay and recounts his experience of the First World War. He works as a doctor in a military hospital and has always been committed to bringing about the end of war. When his wife dies in an air raid, he spends all of his time working on an anti-war invention to distract himself, and in the process neglects his new wife and his child. When the child is killed in an accident because of his machinery, he ends up pushing away his wife and best friend and focusing solely on his invention. In the end he sees the error of his ways, reconciles with his wife and friend and realizes that peace for humanity is something which comes from within..