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Bad Times

Bad Times

Vétéran de la Guerre du Golfe, Jim Davis a été profondément marqué par l'horreur des combats. A bout de ressources, il attend d'être appelé au sein de la police de Los Angeles, où un poste lui avait été promis. Si seulement il avait un boulot, il retrouverait son équilibre et sa vie aurait à nouveau un sens. Jim n'a qu'un seul réconfort au milieu de cette galère: son meilleur copain, Mike, également chômeur. Jim offre à Mike de l'aider à trouver un job, mais leur quête prend rapidement des allures de virée infernale dans les rues chaudes de South Central..

Sale temps à l'hôtel El Royale

Sale temps à l'hôtel El Royale

Sept étrangers, chacun avec un secret à planquer, se retrouvent au El Royale sur les rives du lac Tahoe, un hôtel miteux au lourd passé. Au cours d’une nuit fatidique, ils auront tous une dernière chance de se racheter… avant de prendre un aller simple pour l’enfer..

Bad Times At Conformity High

Bad Times At Conformity High

Bad Times At Conformity High follows Thomas (Riley Danson). A sarcastic, fly under the radar kind of guy, who by an all power, British political goddess (Lucrita Hodkinson) has been forced into The Australian School System of All Things Conformity at -- you guessed it -- Conformity High!! Everything has been taken from him by the system, reluctantly pairing up with the mysterious Violet (Holly O'Kelly) in order to seek their completely irresponsible justice..

Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten

Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten

Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten is a long-running German television soap opera, first broadcast on RTL in 1992. The programme concerns the lives of a fictional neighborhood in Germany's capital city Berlin. Over the years the soap opera tends to have an overhaul of young people in their late teens and early twenties; targeting a young viewership..

Good Times, Bad Times

Good Times, Bad Times

Combat footage and old photographs from extant BBC documentary footage from the First and Second World Wars is intercut with contemporary footage of First World War veterans recalling their experiences at Royal Canadian Legion halls, memorial day commemorations and veterans' hospitals..

Good Times/Bad Times

Good Times/Bad Times

A sweet pixie dream girl decorates her living room wall with pictures of the best moments of her life...but what is that strange muffled noise coming from the inside of her closet?.

Bad Times

Bad Times

Four independent short stories but they have in common that they happen in Buenos Aires during legislative elections. A candidate for deputy, Carlos Celestini floods the city with his image and can be seen in each of the stories..

Good Times, Bad Times

Good Times, Bad Times

Sitting in a restaurant representing the waiting room to the other world, a tired old man watches the patrons who represent him and his immediate family during the important moments of his life. Moments that have impacted him and the family, and have turned him into a man he was at the end of his life. The old man is forced to look these events in an objective way, observe them from the sidelines, as the judge and jury of a tragic life filled with regret, bitterness, and bad decisions. At a certain point, it becomes clear that the old man has actually died and is watching his own life..

Timeless Bottomless Bad Movie

Timeless Bottomless Bad Movie

Children who refuse to live with their families or give up on the streets work at a bar or steal money. When you don't have money, you'd rather starve than give up playing. Several people have to bowl as much as they want, jump out of the window with their lives, and dance with real dancers at a rock cafe..