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Upon arriving in Cartagena, Colombia, American pilot Benjamin Grey's passport and money are stolen leaving him stranded. Shortly after he receives a call from his son's doctor, who informs him that he is his Leukemia-stricken son's only chance for survival, and the clock is ticking.



À la fin des années 1920, Howard Hughes, jeune héritier d'une famille du Sud possédant de nombreux puits de pétrole, investit une somme considérable dans la production de « Hell's Angels », un film retraçant les exploits d'aviateurs pendant la Première Guerre mondiale. Au cours d'un tournage qui va s'étaler sur 3 ans, le producteur-réalisateur rencontre deux de ses fidèles collaborateurs : Noah Dietrich, chargé de s'occuper des finances de l'entreprise, et le professeur Fitz, qui devient son conseiller scientifique. Ce tournage avive également l'intérêt de Howard pour l'aéronautique, l'amenant à concevoir et à tester de nouveaux modèles d'avions rapides. Peu de temps après la sortie en fanfare de « Hell's Angels », Howard fait la connaissance de la comédienne Katharine Hepburn, dont il tombe amoureux....

Vol d'enfer

Vol d'enfer

Tillie Hansen, la fille d'un banquier, est embarquée malgré elle dans le biplan de l'Aeropostal d'un pilote taciturne, Edgar Anscombe, et dans leurs aventures après le crash de ce dernier en plein cœur des montagnes Rocheuses.

The Aviators

The Aviators

The Aviators is an award-winning weekly documentary-lifestyle-science TV series featuring interesting people, the latest aircraft, current technology and fly-in destinations. The show's site describes subject matter as follows: "We will take you behind the scenes to show you how airline pilots train, how planes are built, and how ATC works. We will profile aviation businesses and showcase aviation products. We will provide safety tips for private and recreational pilots and career tips for professional pilots." The Aviators premiered on the Global Television Network on Saturday, September 4, 2010. It could also be seen on CHEK-TV in Canada and is distributed to all 356 Public Broadcasting Stations in the United States for broadcast in numerous markets starting in September 2010. On September 1, 2010 the producers announced that a deal had been signed with Discovery Channel Asia that saw the series broadcast overseas in the spring of 2011. In the first six months after its premiere, the show aired almost 8,000 times across North America - an average of over 40 times a day. The Aviators launched on Hulu in February 2011 and was viewed over 32,000 times in just two weeks. In March 2011 producers announced some changes for season two including the addition of country music singer George Canyon to the cast as a guest host for the season. The current season's premiere date is September 16, 2013. Production for a fifth season has begun, and is planned to air in North America in September 2014..

La Femme de l'aviateur

La Femme de l'aviateur

François travaille la nuit, il aime Anne qui travaille le jour, mais ils ne peuvent jamais se voir. Un matin, il la voit sortir de chez elle en compagnie d'un aviateur. Il lui fait une scène. L'après-midi, au lieu de dormir, il erre dans les rues et reconnaît l'aviateur avec une autre femme. Il les suit aux Buttes-Chaumont et rencontre Lucie, une lycéenne curieuse et espiègle. Ensemble, ils suivent le couple à la manière de détectives..

Tweedledum as Aviator

Tweedledum as Aviator

Robinet, the lead in this Italian slapstick comedy, wants to be an aviator in the worst way, and this being an Italian slapstick, that's how he does it. Italian slapstick in this period was absolutely bone-breaking, so much so that it makes Keystone slapstick look like drawing-room comedy by contrast..

Howard Hughes: The Real Aviator

Howard Hughes: The Real Aviator

Reckless, daring, inventive, excessive, eccentric and secretive. Billionaire Howard Hughes — the man who broke speed and round-the-world flying records. This 'event-oriented' documentary sheds light on Hughes' personality by showing new live footage of rare and lost on-camera interviews, press conferences and newsreel footage. Hear the words that Hughes spoke, read what he wrote, see what he created, directly from the man himself. Watch how Hughes breaks flight records and ends up crashing only to design and build a plane bigger than today's 747. See how he built Trans World Airways (TWA) into the most successful airline in the world. Learn why Hughes shifted his focus on creating covert relationships with the CIA, FBI, Johnson, Kennedy and Nixon, triggering phobias that engulfed this brilliant but tortured man..

The American Aviator: The Howard Hughes Story

The American Aviator: The Howard Hughes Story

Biography - Howard Robard Hughes, Jr. did more than dream. Yet behind the glamour, fame and fabulous wealth, there lurked a darker side: a sick, isolated and deeply unhappy man who hid behind his image and ended up a prisoner of his own insanity. This is his story. - Howard Hughes.

The Lost Aviator

The Lost Aviator

Set in the Golden Age of Aviation, Andrew Lancaster follows the life and times of his great uncle, Captain Bill Lancaster. Against his family's wishes, he uncovers a fascinating tale of high adventures, obsession, a love triangle and a sensational murder trial..