

Comment faire pour télécharger Alba gratuitement



Alba se réveille sur une plage sans aucun souvenir de la nuit précédente, visiblement victime d'un viol. Elle apprend plus tard que son petit ami connaît ses agresseurs..



Alba, 11 ans, passe une grande partie de son temps à s’évader dans son propre univers, à l’écart du groupe de jeunes filles de son âge. Sa mère est gravement malade. Lorsque celle-ci est hospitalisée, Alba est placée sous la garde de son père, qu’elle n’a pas vu depuis des années. La cohabitation est au départ très difficile pour elle, et sa mère lui manque. Mais cette rencontre évolue lorsqu’Alba découvre la fragilité de son père et qu’elle reconnaît, malgré elle, leurs points communs..



Acting : Alba
popularity : 1.577
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Alba en streaming gratuit.



The fragile relationship between a father and daughter is tested, when an unexpected call jeopardizes their time together..



Acting : Alba
popularity : 0.047
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Alba en streaming gratuit.



Acting : Alba
popularity : 0.254
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Alba en streaming gratuit.



Acting : Alba
popularity : 0.047
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Alba en streaming gratuit.



A black screen. A bottle breaks on the bitumen. A few insults are flung. The decor of an industrial area, first thing in the morning, after a busy night. Three friends “find” a vehicle and climb in for a journey with no clear aim. Except for one of them, troubled by the guilt of having cheated on Alba, who is arriving the next evening. Someone told him about a cross, painted on a cliff over the Genevan countryside, which is supposed to reconcile those who reach it with their innermost selves. Beyond a mystic, post-drinking delirium, the strapping lad believes that the climb to the summit will help him find the courage to talk to his girlfriend..



The protagonist of Alba is a boy weaken by a severe illness. In order to defeat the disease, represented by a evil dragon, the boy becomes a dauntless knight….



A young priest has to provide relief to a group of young people trapped in an overturned car, it will be a race against time to keep alive Alba, a girl who has been seriously injured..



The film is an adaptation on the play The House of Bernarda Alba by Federico Garcia Lorca. The story modernizes the play by setting it on the outskirts of Miami. After the death of her husband, Bernarda Alba puts her daughters under a rigorous, traditional mourning.



Alba, a passionate and ambitious woman, tries to remember when she started to stop believing in herself, to pursue her desires. Her partner ridiculed her aspirations for her, instilling in her the feeling that she would never make it. Without love, a violent everyday life invaded her life for years, until the tragic ending..



Alba, an 11 year old girl, has to move to her father's house due to her mother's illness. She barely knows him and sharing time with him at home feels weird. Both are shy, both feel lonely but they can't find a way to approach each other..



In a dystopian and perhaps not too distant future, a mother writes a letter to her daughter Alba. How can Alba ever forgive her for having a world of inheritance beyond saving?.



A family dinner is experienced through the eyes of a little girl called Alba, who inherits the magical qualities of her dead grandmother and thus inhabits another world, that of the good spirits. Inspired by Isabel Allende's "The House of the Spirits"..



An aspiring Peruvian-Australian performer is partnered with her ex-boyfriend in a community Marinera dance competition..



En 2977, les Terriens nagent dans l’opulence. Ils ont envoyé des robots qui exploitent les ressources d'autres planètes. Tout ce qui est récolté est distribué gratuitement à la population. Par le truchement de l'abrutisseur mondio-visuel, les seigneurs bloquent les pensées d'un peuple asservi. Dénué de pouvoir réflexif, celui-ci se croit heureux. Pourtant, une mystérieuse sphère noire, recouverte de glyphes inconnus, s'écrase sur Terre. Alors que le gouvernement mondial se montre incapable de réagir, une menace extraterrestre se concrétise bientôt via les Sylvidres, femmes guerrières longilignes au teint verdâtre. Leurs exactions sont attribuées à Albator et à ses pirates ; pourtant, lui seul prend la menace au sérieux et s'engage à les combattre..