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Wait for Me

Wait for Me

Alison is no girl-next-door. Dragged into a life of crime after arriving in England from Ireland. She works for small time gangster Max, whose fixation with Alison is the only reason she isn’t in prison… or dead. When she meets Sam, a damaged man with a troubled past, he opens her eyes that life can be a beautiful thing if you meet it half way..

Wait for Me

Wait for Me

«Жди меня» — телепрограмма, ток-шоу и в то же время национальная служба поиска людей. Ведущие — Игорь Кваша, Михаил Ефремов, Мария Шукшина. В разное время, заменяя постоянных ведущих, вели Александр Домогаров, Чулпан Хаматова, Сергей Никоненко..

Wait for Me

Wait for Me

Alicia must piece together the memories from the night before, if she is to win her lover back. What she remembers could keep them apart forever..

Wait for Me

Wait for Me

In 1985, a young man from a well-to-do family took a bicycle trip across southern Europe, potter into Bangladesh, traveled through India, and disappeared while hiking in the rugged foothills of the Himalayas. He was never seen or heard from again. Wait For Me is the story of a mother's spiritual and emotional search for her son ceaseless emotional trek, propelled by an unconditional love and an unwavering belief that he may still be alive..

Wait for Me in Another World

Wait for Me in Another World

Foreign, Foreign Dramas, Mexico, Spanish Language - Ballroom dancing teacher Marcela's (Natalia Esperón) world begins to fall apart when her family disintegrates, so she turns to hypnosis to try to recapture the happier days of her past in this poignant drama from Mexico. As her mother's (Margarita Sanz) mental capacity diminishes and her father (Fernando Becerril) deals with plummeting self-esteem after losing his job, Marcela begins to understand the lies that permeated their relationships..

Wait for Me in Heaven

Wait for Me in Heaven

Pepe Soriano plays a Madrid shopkeeper who is kidnapped by henchmen of Franco in this political comedy. After his kidnapping, he is forced to become the dictator's double for many official ceremonies. Due to his long and unexplained absence, Pepe's wife believes her husband has been abducted and killed, so she tries to reach her husband through spiritualism. After Pepe surprises her with a nocturnal visit, he tells her he will touch his ear to signal it is he and not Franco in public appearances..

Je t'attendrais à l'arrêt d'Udagawa

Je t'attendrais à l'arrêt d'Udagawa

Alors qu'il croise dans la rue un travesti, Momose (Kuroba Mario) reconnait Yashiro (Yokota Ryugi), l'un de ses camarades de classe et l'un des garçons les plus populaires de son établissement. Qu'est-ce qui peut bien pousser Yashiro à se travestir ? Momose est obsédé par ce mystère.. Adaptation live de l'animé et du manga "Udagawachou de Mattete yo" (Je t'attendrais à l'arrêt d'Udagawa). Auteur du manga : Hideyoshico.

Wait for Me

Wait for Me

This film was conceived back in the eighties, just like the Slovenian band Lačni Franc's song. After numerous changes, it was completed in 1992. At the second edition of the Croatian Film Days, it won the award for Best Animated Film. Dražen Žarković, Josip Zanki, Miroslav Zubović, Magda Dulčić, Ninoslav Kunc collaborated on the film..

Wait For Me

Wait For Me

The film WAIT FOR ME is a story about a relationship between a mother and daughter in the late years of their lives, permanently separated by a physical border created by the Balkan wars, and their acceptance of the inevitable imminent death of one of them..

Wait for Me

Wait for Me

Sixteen-year-old Maya loves sailing, which she was taught to do by her captain father. She misses her father very much, and runs away on a sailboat in order to reach Cyprus and meet him. But in Cyprus, she misses the cargo ship where her father is supposedly working..

Wait for Me in a Dream

Wait for Me in a Dream

The life of an elderly person is cheerless. Whatever monotony and weariness fail to kill will be annihilated by illness. But is that really the case? Bronka and Zygfryd, with their last ounce of strength, decide to salvage their shared memories and even the tiniest fragment of the love that once connected them..

Wait for Me in Another World

Wait for Me in Another World

Marcela is a young woman who lives in Mexico City, where she makes her living teaching ballroom dancing. Everything seems to be fine in her little world: she is hoping to start her own dance academy and has romantic plans. However, one day she finds out that something strange is happening at her parents house: an underground and latent discomfort grows week by week. Gloria, her mother, seems absent, talking about strange events far from her daily routine and experiencing memory lapses. Almost at the same time, Nacho, Marcela's father, loses his job and, with it, his self esteem. Marcela forgets about her own needs choosing instead to concentrate on her parents troubles and reestablishing family harmony..