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Three's a Crowd

Three's a Crowd

Three's a Crowd is an American television sitcom sequel to Three's Company. It is loosely based on the British TV series Robin's Nest, which was itself a spin-off of Man About the House, on which Three's Company was based..

Three's A Crowd

Three's A Crowd

On the Friday before their Junior Cert exams start, four teenagers get locked in their school, where they are forced to face their inner quarrels and plan for the next 3 years of their lives..

Three's a Crowd

Three's a Crowd

Three's a Crowd is an American game show originally packaged by Chuck Barris Productions. The first version aired in syndication from September 17, 1979 to February 1, 1980. The second version ran in 2000 on Game Show Network..

Three's a Crowd

Three's a Crowd

Harry, The Odd Fellow, is a tenement worker who lives alone in a shack alongside a warehouse and longs for the companionship of a wife and children like other men. One day he spies a pretty girl in his telescope and sends her by carrier pigeon a note that, alas, is received by the wrong party. The Girl marries and, poverty-striken, leaves her husband during a snowstorm. Harry takes her in, and minutes later her child is born. He works like a slave for the mother and child, pretending they are his own. Meanwhile, the husband finds her and comes to the shack on Christmas Eve as Harry is preparing to play Santa Claus. Not realizing the unhappiness she is causing him, The Girl thanks him profusely and leaves with her husband. Overcome, Harry sits overnight on the doorstep and the next morning is found frozen stiff except for his eyes--with amusing results..

Three's a Crowd

Three's a Crowd

An old man is reading a book by the fire. The clock strikes 8, and he heads off to bed. From his book, Alice in Wonderland, out crawls Alice, who turns the radio to the title tune. This wakes up Rip Van Winkle; Alice then rouses the Three Musketeers, who sing a bit. Next tune: Nero fiddles, Rome burns, and Cleopatra sizzles in a slinky dance. Uncle Tom sings a spiritual as Mr. Hyde sneaks up and abducts Alice. Tarzan to the rescue, along with several other characters who mount a spirited attack using such office supplies as pen points, matches, and a fountain pen. They box him up and carry him off..

Philbert (Three's a Crowd)

Philbert (Three's a Crowd)

In this live-action sitcom with animated elements, a cartoonist named Griff draws Philbert comics. Philbert has the ability to come to life in the form of a six-inch-tall cartoon character. Philbert tries to cause trouble between Griff and his girlfriend Angela when he overhears her plans to marry Griff..

Ricky: Three's a Crowd

Ricky: Three's a Crowd

Life isn't easy for 10-year old Ricky - his cooler, bigger brother Micha, who just dropped out of school, is always giving him a hard time. Their parents business is in trouble, and with emotions running high, Michas conflicts with his father threaten to boil over. Things change when the tough and headstrong girl Alex and her dog move to town..

La Justice des hommes

La Justice des hommes

Lorsque le Holmes Woolen Mill se retrouve ravagé par un incendie, son directeur, Andrew Holmes, accuse l'un des employés, Leopold Dilg, contestataire notoire. Un homme ayant été tué dans le désastre, Dilg, qui clame son innocence, se retrouve inculpé de meurtre au milieu d'une campagne de presse savamment orchestrée par Holmes. Ayant réussi à s'évader, et décidé à obtenir un jugement équitable, il trouve refuge chez Nora Shelley, une ancienne camarade de classe. Mais cette dernière loue justement sa maison à Michael Lightcap, un important juriste de Boston venu au calme pour écrire un livre....