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The Whirlpool of Destiny

The Whirlpool of Destiny

George Bell, a wild young man, lives with his rancher father, Thomas Bell, in Paradise Valley, California. When George sells his father's favorite horse, Mr. Bell turns him out, and George becomes a grain salesman in St. Louis. Meanwhile, Polly Martin lives with her father Bill, an ex-businessman who has sunk to day-labor because of his addiction to alcohol. Bill frequently abuses Polly, and when he falls to his death from a high girder, Polly becomes a nurse in the Salvation Army in St. Louis. George falls in love with Polly after he saves her from the advances of a drunk, but she will not marry him because of his wild past..

The Whirlpool

The Whirlpool

Lyuba needs help, only she doesn't know about it yet. She's in a trap, married to a man who treats her like an accessory. Once she agrees to go with friends to a psychological training to get relationship with her husband back on track..

The Sunny Whirlpool

The Sunny Whirlpool

Gangsters hide the stolen money in the refrigerator, which is committed to the school for the arrangers on the seashore. In the same school, a young man responses the advertising for the photographer, so he could provide a free holiday for himself and his friends. Gangsters come there as well, accompanied by detectives. On top of all that, the school is full of girls who try to win the confused young man's heart. This generates a series of comic complications in which the young man finally discloses the gangsters from prosecution, while at the same time being rescued from girls by his friends who have now arrived on holiday..

In the whirlpool of Moscow

In the whirlpool of Moscow

Biography of a village boy who got into the city. Having settled down as a sex worker in a tavern, the hero falls in love with a dressmaker - and leaves her as soon as she becomes a mother. Then he meets with the owner of the tavern, robs her and after a series of revels goes to prison. Meanwhile, a woman abandoned by him decides to commit suicide. She is saved from death by a switchman, who soon marries her. Here, after a few years, the hero who returned from hard labor ends up and, for the sake of the happiness of his own daughter, decides to leave the owners of this quiet monastery alone..

Love's Whirlpool

Love's Whirlpool

De minuit à 5h du matin, des personnes se réunissent dans un appartement haut de gamme à Roppongi, pour y entretenir des relations sexuelles sans amour..

La Fille de l'eau

La Fille de l'eau

La jeune Gudule, fille et petite-fille de mariniers est bien malheureuse. Depuis que son père est mort noyé, elle ne cesse d'être en butte aux assiduités de son oncle Jeff, un ivrogne lubrique. C'est par hasard qu'elle fait la connaissance de Justin Crépoix, un jeune Bohémien qui, séduit par le charme et la gentillesse de la jeune fille, la présente à sa mère et l'initie à la vie nomade. Mais la présence des Bohémiens dans un petit village ne plaît guère à la population qui les prend à parti. Une violente bagarre s'ensuit et, après une nuit passée dans la terreur, Gudule est recueillie par le fils du châtelain de l'endroit qui finit par lui déclarer son amour..



Gravement blesse dans un accident peu de temps apres son mariage, un homme decouvre que sa femme a une liaison..

Whirlpool of Flesh

Whirlpool of Flesh

During the war a university professor meets a girl and marries her. Very soon however, it is apparent that their needs are not matched. He would much rather be translating Shakespeare than attending to her, and she has a secret in her past - one that results in her sleeping with a great number of men..



Luzimar cycles each day to and from work at the local cotton mill in his hometown of Cataguases, Minas Gerais, Brazil. He is a hard-working man, trying to make the most of what he has. One day, his childhood friend Gildo reappears, driving a fancy car and boasting of his successful life in São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo. As the two sit down for a beer, memories, regrets and old resentments slowly resurface..

A Woman in a Whirlpool

A Woman in a Whirlpool

Set in the dry zone of Sri Lanka, Suddi is married to a notorious criminal in the village, Romiel. Convicted for a murder Romiel is jailed. Miserable Suddhi has to depend on Sirimewan Mudalalie, a shrewd businessman from town..



The hardships a group of Kurdish immigrants face when they try to cross the Aegean Sea and eventually find a better life in Europe..

Whirlpool of Joy

Whirlpool of Joy

The second TV series by Kiyoshi Kurosawa made just after the pop of the economic bubble in Japan. His comical (and melodic...) analysis of Japanese society corresponds to Godard's films about French society in the 60s..