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The Renegades

The Renegades

The Renegades is a short-lived ABC TV show from 1982 about a gang that is given the option of going to jail for their crimes or becoming a special police undercover unit. The star of The Renegades, and leader of the gang, was The Bandit played by Patrick Swayze. The gang's police handler is Captain Scanlon played by Kurtwood Smith. Kurtwood Smith went on to play the father in the That '70s Show..

The Renegade

The Renegade

Irlande, hiver 1847. Après avoir combattu dans le monde entier pour l’armée anglaise, le ranger Feeney retrouve enfin son pays natal. Il découvre une terre de désolation, ravagée par la famine et la maladie. Ceux qui ont réussi à survivre sont chassés de leurs foyers par les percepteurs anglais, et condamnés à errer sur les routes. Lorsqu’il découvre que, pris à la gorge, les derniers membres de sa famille ont été exécutés pour vol de nourriture, il décide de se faire justice : du juge au gouverneur de la région, il dresse la liste des coupables..

The Renegades

The Renegades

In this drama, undercover investigators are recruited from the streets to prevent arms smugglers from getting their weapons to street gangs..

The Renegades

The Renegades

Short western, in which a hotheaded prospector argues with his wife about her housekeeping skills. She decides to leave him, and travels with a passing prospector who offers to accompany her through the mountains. However, when they are attacked by Indians, they are rescued by her husband. Eventualy the husband is killed in a second attack..

The Renegades

The Renegades

Queer culture and the arts would be much poorer without the presence and contribution of butch and stud lesbians, whose identity is both its own aesthetic and a defiant repudiation of the male gaze..

Renegades: The Requiem: Part 1

Renegades: The Requiem: Part 1

Everything the Admiral has feared for the Confederation, begins to come to pass. As a secret cabal enacts plans for galactic dominance on a scale never before seen, The Admiral and his crack team of Renegades do everything in their power to stop them. But their enemy is more powerful than they can imagine and The Admiral is left with a decision he never wanted to make. But will the sacrifice be too great?.

1776, or The Hessian Renegades

1776, or The Hessian Renegades

During the American Revolution, a young soldier carrying a crucial message to General Washington is spotted and pursued by a group of enemy soldiers. He takes refuge with a civilian family, but is soon detected. The family and their neighbors must then make plans to see that the important message gets through after all..

The Desert Renegades

The Desert Renegades

In the deserts of the Middle East, circa 1930s, a half-Arab-half-French adventurer named Aldar woos the Princess Yasmin while engaged in selling guns to warring factions..

Blueberry : l'expérience secrète

Blueberry : l'expérience secrète

Mike Blueberry est Marshall d'une petite ville tranquille à la frontière des terres indiennes. Tout bascule le jour où un mystérieux tueur, Wally Blount, transforme la bourgade en brasier. Il est à la recherche d'un trésor indien situé dans les montagnes sacrées. Blueberry part à sa poursuite, aidé par Runi, un chamane indien avec qui il a grandi. Les deux hommes doivent empêcher le tueur de pénétrer dans le sanctuaire. Mais là-bas, au cœur des montagnes sacrées, c'est aussi ses démons intérieurs que Blueberry devra combattre..



Lors de son voyage à travers le sud des États-Unis, avec sa Jeep CJ Renegade et son colt Joe Brown, Luke rencontre Matt, le fils d'un ami, Moose, qui est en prison. Moose demande à Luke de prendre soin de Matt, et de l'aider à prendre possession d'un lopin de terre. Ainsi débute leur voyage, plein d'aventures ....

Renegaded Archangel

Renegaded Archangel

Mikhael is a sergeant in charge of BOPE, always on dangerous missions in Rio de Janeiro. But after getting involved in a controversial operation that culminated to a slaughter, he is transferred to a police unit at the state countryside..

Time Renegades

Time Renegades

A high-school teacher in 1983 and a detective in 2015 join forces through their dreams to change the perilous fate of the woman they both love—30 years apart..