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The Quake

The Quake

Depuis un violent tsunami qui dévasta la région, Kristian, géologue de renom, vit retiré au pied des fjords. Lorsqu’il découvre qu’une multitude de micro-séismes frappent Oslo, il n'a d'autre choix que de s’y rendre pour prévenir les autorités. Un tremblement de terre dévastateur est inévitable : une véritable course contre la montre débute. Kristian va tout faire pour sauver sa famille et sur....

The Quakeress

The Quakeress

The setting is an early American village, where a young Quaker woman, Priscilla, is in love with the schoolmaster, John Hart. The local minister, Rev. Cole, who calls on her at her cabin with flowers, is an unwelcome suitor. In revenge, he has "blue laws" passed, among them is one requiring attendance at church on Sunday. Priscilla refuses to comply with the law and is arrested. After being plunged in and out of water and pilloried, she is banished from the colony. John goes with her. They are attacked by Indians and John is badly wounded. Priscilla manages to get back to the village in time to warn the Puritans of an impending attack. They defeat the Indians after a desperate battle. The Rev. Cole, who has been mortally wounded, begs Priscilla's forgiveness and the Puritans make amends for their harsh treatment of her..

The Christ Quake

The Christ Quake

The Bible records unexpected, unlikely physical events as bookends of the earthly life of Jesus--a mysterious star, an overwhelming earthquake. If these were actual historical events, would there be evidence? Evidence we can examine today! YES. THERE WOULD. You are holding a major piece of that evidence in your hands. Geological evidence is usually stated in terms f thousands of years or more. But our planet maintains a most peculiar and unique landform near Jerusalem—The Dead Sea, the lowest place on Planet Earth. That strange Landform performs a remarkable Service for Scientists and historians. It acts as an enormous seismograph quietly maintaining records of earth movements in Jerusalem by individual year. This ancient database enables us to bring you the adventure of this film—seeking for ourselves the earthquake Matthew records—the Christ Quake. But more, it raises the deep mystery of that Quake’s fuller meaning..

The Great Quake

The Great Quake

Soon after it struck on April 18, 1906, the infamous San Francisco earthquake would prove to be one of the greatest natural disasters of all time, leveling a once-glorious cityscape and claiming thousands of lives. This fascinating National Geographic documentary chronicles the lead-up to the quake and the drive to survive and rebuild in its aftermath, as told from the perspectives of the people who lived through the terrifying temblor..

Quakers: The Quiet Revolutionaries

Quakers: The Quiet Revolutionaries

Following seven iconic Quakers, the film takes us from England in 1652, where Quakers were persecuted, tortured and even killed, to their arrival in the New World. They founded a state run on Godly principles – the Holy Experiment, envisioned by young William Penn. He welcomed everyone to Pennsylvania, where they could worship freely. Their testimonies of equality, integrity, community and peace are fundamental to Quakers today..

When the Eye Quakes

When the Eye Quakes

It all started with the notorious Buñuelian sliced eyeball, that surprises us every time. The eye of an ox, but still it's the eye of a woman! The anxiety of the incision is transformed into a saccadic, uncontrolled anxiety precisely of the eye and of its pupil. When subjected to the stroboscopic rhythms of single frame animation—as in some archaic pre-animation—one's gaze at it is thrown off, going in search of a little dramatic action here and there in the face, through the quick cinematic nonsense of saucers and sclera. The eye of an ox, which degenerates in Buñuel's incision, is my own quaking ox eye..

The Town's Children

The Town's Children

A man and a woman meet the day before the 15th anniversary of the Great Hanshin earthquake. Both experienced the quake as a child but left soon after the quake. During the course of the long night walk, their life after the quake and the complex relationship to the city of Kobe gradually surface..



Saga gets hit by a fierce epileptic attack walking in a public park with her six-year-old son resulting in a total memory loss. Afraid of being considered unable to take care of her son, Saga attempts to hide her state from others and occupies herself digging for the answers she needs from within. As she struggles to gather bits and pieces from her forgotten life, repressed memories that Saga unconsciously blocked as a child suddenly start to come back, revealing a painful truth about herself and her past..



Acting : Quake
popularity : 0.562
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