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The Pact

The Pact

Cinq amies se retrouvent liées dans un fragile pacte de silence autour d'une mort inexpliquée. Que s’est-il vraiment passé cette nuit-là dans les bois ?.

The Devil's Pact

The Devil's Pact

June, nettoyeuse de scènes de crimes, et son conjoint, l’officier Meyer, sont confrontés à une série de meurtres, leur rappelant le mode opératoire du serial killer, Judas, tué par sa nièce, Annie. L’agent Ballard, profiler au FBI, s’occupe de cette nouvelle enquête. Mais plus l’enquête avance, plus June est en proie à des cauchemars dans lesquels elle visualise les victimes dans la peau de leur bourreau. Hantée par l’esprit de Judas, celle-ci va faire appel à Annie pour l’aider à résoudre cette affaire….

The Pact

The Pact

Survivors in a post-apocalyptic world try to find the cause of MIASMA, a mysterious fog that drives victims insane, and stop it..

The Pact

The Pact

Après le décès de leur mère, Annie se laisse convaincre de retourner dans la maison familiale pour rendre un ultime hommage à la défunte. Dans la chambre d'enfant, la jeune fille est dérangée par une présence inquiétante. Alors qu'elle sollicite l'aide d'un policier du coin et d'une voyante pour mener l'enquête, elle va bientôt découvrir que ces mystérieux incidents font émerger des cauchemars réprimés depuis longtemps et lèvent le voile sur un secret de famille troublant..

The Pact

The Pact

When a family member is diagnosed with a terminal illness and decides they want to end their life, fundamentally different beliefs threaten to blow the family apart. Will they be able to come together before it’s too late?.

The Pact

The Pact

A young woman finds herself alone in the house of her late mother where an unsettling and sinister presence emerges. Short, remade full length in 2012..

The Pact

The Pact

After witnessing the killing of his parents, a teenage boy is put in a witness relocation program and sent to a boarding school in Canada to start a new life. He soon befriends a fellow student, who is actually undercover for the bad guys & looking for him.. will they discover the truth about each other? Can their new friendship survive?.

The Pact

The Pact

1997: two teenaged friends make a pact - if they are both still single aged 35, they will get together. Amy doesn't think it will ever happen. Andy, who is secretly in love with Amy, hopes that it will. 2017: twenty years later, Amy and Andy have drifted apart. Andy has gained a career, an ex-wife, a four-year-old son and a girlfriend. Amy, meanwhile, despite the ever-increasing weight of social expectation, has managed to avoid growing up entirely. And she loves it. She lives in a flatshare, works behind a bar and isn't above enjoying the odd alcohol-fuelled one-night-stand, if the mood takes her. When Andy and Amy bump into each other again, it is earth shattering. Face to face with their past, they are forced to reconsider their futures. Is it time for Amy to take responsibility for her life? Should Andy throw caution to the wind and pursue his childhood crush? Whatever happens, they are going to end up together, right? Needless to say, it is a bit more complicated than that..

The Pact

The Pact

Their love lives in shambles, two brothers make a pact: No women for a year! The pact holds them under an almost magical spell as they take turns trying, but failing to break it..

The Pact

The Pact

A gritty, provocative true-life story of three friends from the 'hood, Rameck Hunt, Sampson Davis, and George Jenkins, who made a pact in high school to find a way to go to college and then medical school. They not only accomplished this, but they're now spreading the word to inspire other inner-city kids to stay off of drugs, out of gangs and to take the educational route to a better life. THE PACT captures the pathos of the men's individual journeys, the integrity of their voices and the power of their rare friendship. Their stories affirm the values that ultimately sustained and drove them: courage, tenacity, and faith. And they give tribute to the life of the mind and its power to turn dreams into reality..

The Pact

The Pact

"The Pact" is born of early mornings, broken trails, frostbite, sunrises, worn menisucus, close calls, and countless faceshots. In the end, it's about commitment to the endless search for untracked snow and those who have chosen to break that trail..

The Pact

The Pact

Andrea Graves inherits her grandmother's nineteenth century oceanfront home, and with it a terrible, deadly secret. Tension builds and bodies pile up as ghosts from the past begin to haunt Andrea's present life. Andrea soon realizes that there is only one way to stop the madness: she must complete THE PACT..

The Wedding Pact

The Wedding Pact

Mitch et Elizabeth, deux vieux copains, ont conclu un pacte alors qu'ils étaient étudiants : si dans dix ans ils sont toujours célibataires, ils se marieront. Dix ans plus tard, Mitch n'a toujours pas rencontré l'âme sœur et continue de penser à Elizabeth. Il décide alors d'entreprendre un long voyage à travers le pays pour la rejoindre et donner suite à cette promesse. Mais cette arrivée impromptue lui réserve quelques surprises : il lui faudra bien plus qu'un vieux pacte de jeunesse pour conquérir la femme de ses rêves..

The Pact

The Pact

Piotr Grodecki is an investigative journalist uncovering corruption and scandals at the highest levels of government..

The Final Pact

The Final Pact

Three young priests discover a secret final exam before graduating. They celebrate but encounter a woman seeking an exorcism. Reluctantly, they investigate and find a doorway to hell. Their final exam has just begun..

Le Pacte de grossesse

Le Pacte de grossesse

La journaliste Sidney Bloom retourne dans sa ville natale afin d'enquêter sur les soudaines grossesses de plusieurs adolescentes dans son ancien lycée. Elle se heurte bientôt à Lorraine Dougan, à la tête d'un groupe prônant des valeurs conservatrices. Sa fille, Sarah, âgée de quinze ans, est enceinte. L'infirmière de l'école tente de convaincre la direction de distribuer des moyens de contraception afin de stopper ces grossesses, en vain. Lorsque dix-huit adolescentes sont enceintes, un magazine affirme que tout cela résulte de "pactes de grossesses"....