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Le jour le plus beau

Le jour le plus beau

Un jeune homme nommé Sherman survit à l'apocalypse dans une réalité alternative de style soviétique et, en essayant de trouver sa place à l'extérieur d'une ville isolée, se retrouve coincé dans un bunker souterrain..

The Most Beautiful Days of My Life

The Most Beautiful Days of My Life

A young rich lady gets into a fight with his father who refuses her marriage with her beloved. She decides to escape to Lebanon in order to see her love, but to get on the ship; she will have to dress up like a young man. During her journey she meets a new friend, a young man, who gets surprised to discover her secret..

The Most Beautiful Day

The Most Beautiful Day

Jasmijn struggles with writer's block following a fatal accident. The only thing she keeps writing are letters to Wim, the victim's widower. However, he never replies. Jasmijn realises that she can't go on like this and leaves for Morocco, where Wim runs a hotel..

When I was the Prettiest

When I was the Prettiest

Yoon Jung-Hyuk est un étudiant universitaire intelligent et beau, se spécialisant dans l'ingénierie. Beaucoup d'étudiantes universitaires l'aiment . Alors que Yoon Jung-Hyuk s'occupe de sa petite amie malade il rencontre Lee Shin-Ye. A travers cette rencontre avec Lee Shin-Ye, Yoon Jung-Hyuk devient un homme et apprend ce qu'est le vrai amour..