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The Long Night

The Long Night

C'était une affaire ouverte et fermée avec des centaines de témoins voyant le suspect du meurtre essayer de se débarrasser d'un corps et une confession signée du suspect lui-même. Et pourtant, lorsque l'affaire était prête pour le tribunal, le procureur a découvert que l'affaire n'était pas telle qu'elle apparaissait. Le meurtre n'était qu'une couverture pour une autre injustice plus choquante. Il a passé dix ans à essayer de découvrir la vérité, travaillant sa jeunesse, sa carrière, sa réputation, sa famille et même sa vie..

Yoake no Subete

Yoake no Subete

Two work colleagues: he suffers from panic attacks, she has extreme PMS. Their company distributes toy planetariums. What may not sound like Ozu Yasujirō is actually precisely that: people are attentive and do each other good, without even realising..

Un grand voyage vers la nuit

Un grand voyage vers la nuit

Luo Hongwu retourne à Kaili, la ville d'origine de laquelle il s'est enfui 12 ans plus tôt. Alors que les souvenirs d'une femme belle et énigmatique refont surface – une femme qu'il a aimé et qu'il n'a jamais pu oublier – Luo Hongwu commence sa recherche. Passé et présent, réalité et rêve se mêlent dans le film noir de Bi Gan, incroyablement beau et très innovant..

The Long Nights

The Long Nights

After his wife's death, Mokhtar decides to stay celibate and take care of his children. But he changes his mind when he falls for Nihad and marries her. Their happy marriage is disturbed when Nihad gets pregnant which brings up painful memories for Mokhtar whose first wife died in childbirth..

A Long Long Long Night of Love

A Long Long Long Night of Love

Reporter Marcello has a brief encounter with Irene while waiting for a train. A young woman who has lost her sight finds herself falling for the voice of a ship's captain she hears over a radio broadcast. Egle, a massage therapist who is soon to be married, finds herself pursuing one last fling with Gabriele -- though the odds are not in her favor, since he happens to be gay. Elena is a young woman with a child who wants to abandon her husband. And Carla wonders if she has any future at all with her lover -- who is married to someone else..

The Long Night

The Long Night

Susy et Angela, deux milanaises sans préjugés, se rencontrent par hasard dans des toilettes, où une bourgeoise distraite vient d'oublier une bague de deux millions. Ensemble, elles décident de la vendre. Pour ce faire, elles s'associent avec un jeune chauffeur de taxi, Vito. Une nuit folle et pleines de débauches va alors commencer..

Long Night

Long Night

The residents of an apartment complex in World War 2 Poland face a moral dilemma when they discover one of their neighbours is hiding a Jew..

All Night Long

All Night Long

Kindergarten teacher Wang is being held hostage one night by a bank robber in an all-night shop. Shop attendant Ling-ling and Wang struggle with the badly wounded robber who dies in the fight. With two more accomplices, the four girls decide to destroy the body and split the $40 million loot..

The Long Night

The Long Night

The long night of Manolo, hairdresser to the stars, on the Champs Élysées during his first experience with cocaine. He goes to discos and seances, sees widowed baronesses and pushers, and finally manages to set up his moment of intimacy with Ariel Bachini, famous film star, but….

All Night Long 2

All Night Long 2

In downtown Japan, a lonely computer nerd tries to maintain a peaceful existance while being stalked by a gang of deviant homosexuals who want to use him for their brutal S&M activities..

Longing Nights

Longing Nights

Aitana, Pierrick, Rita and Jorge are all in their twenties and all look for ways to make their nights in the city of Madrid a little less lonely. Aitana is a sweet girl trapped in a men’s body; Pierrick is a cute French gay; Rita doesn't much care about her partner, Carolina, and walks through life with no expectations; Jorge is trapped in a relationship with no future: the one he has with Maria. Set against a background of drugs, sex, multiple partners and differing sexualities, Longing Nights follows the individual stories of these young people. A candid portrait of four relationships highly loaded with eroticism from beginning to end. Four stories told without no borders between fiction and reality..

Long Dark Night

Long Dark Night

"Long Dark Night" follows the life of the fictional character Iva Kolar: his experiences as a Croatian University student, his role as a Partisan fighting Hitler's troops during W.W. II, his involvement in his nation's post-war government, and his eventual downfall..

All Night Long

All Night Long

Après avoir été témoins d’un horrible meurtre, trois adolescents issus de milieux totalement différents se lient d’amitié. Dans le but d’effacer les images morbides qui les habitent, le plus vieux des trois décide d’organiser une petite fête peu après les événements. Les garçons disposent alors d’une semaine pour trouver leurs accompagnatrices. Les choses semblent aller bon train jusqu’au jour de la fête. Victimes de canulars, de traîtrise et de violence gratuite, les trois jeunes hommes trouvent refuge dans la vengeance, les entraînants dans une escalade de violence sanglante et chaotique..

La nuit des longs couteaux

La nuit des longs couteaux

En archives et éclairages d’historiens, un décryptage de cette "Nuit" de trois jours qui vit les nazis commettre une vague d’assassinats politiques à l'été 1934, aspirant l’Allemagne dans la barbarie..

The Long Night

The Long Night

Hasan Zaidi's dark comedy The Long Night, a film that owes a debt to Martin Scorsese's After Hours, stars Faisal Rehman as Waleed, a soon to be millionaire software designer. About to begin another night of working late, Waleed gets a phone call from a woman who he has had a long courtship with - although they have never met in person. She demands to see him, and he soon finds himself in a dangerous neighborhood caught up in a murder plot, and on the run from gangsters..