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The Happy Ending

The Happy Ending

Mary est femme au foyer. Jeune fille, elle est tombée amoureuse de Fred, pour qui elle a arrêté ses études. Puis le couple a eu des enfants mais la vie de Mary est devenue morne et ennuyeuse, sous le contrôle de son mari. L'alcool et les médicaments semblent être une solution. Elle décide finalement de tout plaquer et de s'enfuir loin de sa famille...

The Happy Ending

The Happy Ending

A father who deserted his family some years before returns home only to find that his wife has told his children and neighbours that he died as a hero..

Happy End

Happy End

The series depicts the journey of a young couple who have decided to turn their relationship into a sexual attraction for the whole world through the webcam..

In Search of the Happy Ending

In Search of the Happy Ending

Showtime's "In the 20th Century" is a millennium-related strand of feature-length documentaries in which famous directors take on major subjects of their choosing. In the first of the six films, "In Search of the Happy Ending," filmmaker Garry Marshall delves into the institution of marriage as it has evolved in America throughout the past 100 years..

Happy Ending Romance

Happy Ending Romance

As a result of a troubling incident in his past, Jung Woo, a gifted writer, gives up his literary dreams to begin a life of anonymity, working a number of part time jobs. Throughout his hardships, Jung Woo is aided by his closest friend, Jung Hyun, a best-selling author who seems to have it all. One day, Jung Woo suddenly finds himself being approached by one of the country's most notable publishers, an offer Jung Woo outrightly declines. However, Tae Young, the young and tenacious CEO of the publishing firm, is not the one let go easily and becomes adamant about bringing Jung Woo and his talents back to the literary world. In an instant, the fate of the three young souls become intertwined and they begin penning their own love story..

Happy End

Happy End

Le banquier Min-Ki est licencié après six ans de bons et loyaux services. En proie à un certain malaise, il découvre l'ennui et la frustration typique des chômeurs. Mais Min-Ki profite de sa nouvelle vie insouciante, loin du stress du travail, grâce à la brillante carrière de sa femme Bo-Ra. Il prend soin de leur fille, assure les corvées de la maison et passe tranquillement son temps à lire des romans sentimentaux et des polars dans le parc. Pendant ce temps, Choi Bo-Ra, pleine d'énergie et de passion pour la vie, a une liaison avec un ancien amour d'université, Il-Beom, dont elle s'était séparée lorsqu'il était parti faire son service militaire. Bien que consciente de l'importance d'une famille unie, elle reste prisonnière de son premier amour retrouvé. Son amant, quant à lui, ne peut plus imaginer une deuxième séparation. Son obsession est redoublée par le désir de la posséder et par la peur de la perdre de nouveau..

Happy Ending

Happy Ending

Doo Soo is a hotblooded local news reporter and a family man. Having lived his life for his family, he believed that he had been a good husband and father. Yet, the truth is that he was a tyrant at home, and due to his busy schedule, he had been unable to communicate with his family..

Happy Ending

Happy Ending

Cinq couples, cinq histoires de vies qui s'entrecroisent, racontées par un jeune écrivain et une jeune femme qu'il vient de rencontrer..

My Happy Ending

My Happy Ending

Seo Jae-won, qui a souffert d'une enfance malheureuse, devient une PDG ambitieuse et motivée, en quête constante de succès. Mais lorsque son obsession devient incontrôlable, elle tente d'échapper à ses désirs malsains, mais son mari, un designer et professeur d'université, se retrouve entraîné dans le processus..

Les Derniers Jours du monde

Les Derniers Jours du monde

Alors que s'annonce la fin du monde, Robinson Laborde se remet peu à peu de l'échec d'une aventure sentimentale pour laquelle il s'était décidé à quitter sa femme.Malgré l'imminence du désastre, et peut-être pour mieux y faire face, il s'élance dans une véritable odyssée amoureuse qui l'entraîne sur les routes de France et d'Espagne..

Happy End

Happy End

Val, une jeune femme souhaitant devenir actrice, vient tenter sa chance à New York. Sans domicile fixe, elle fait des rencontres de hasard : un scénariste cynique en panne d'inspiration, une lesbienne psychopathe... Petits boulots, ronde des castings... Val collectionne les galères. Mais elle a juré à sa mère de devenir une star, et la vie ressemble parfois aux contes de fées....

Happy Ending

Happy Ending

En tombant sur son vieux journal intime, Hyun se remémore son premier amour, qui n’est autre que son ami d’enfance, Dongho..

Happy Ending

Happy Ending

Yeong-joon who loves a mysterious woman named Seo-ra succeeds to change the past by visiting a woman with mysterious powers. However, she is now married to a loan shark named Cheol-jae in the changed past. Cheol-jae lives in captivity under Seo-ra and plans a new love and life, while Yeong-jun agonizes over Seo-ra's happiness. The fate of these men and woman who have changed their pasts, unfolds..

Happy Merry Ending

Happy Merry Ending

Seung Jun has been a wedding singer for many years and has become bored with this job. He no longer has any illusions about the romance people yearn for through these ceremonies. One day, he meets Jae Hyun, who is also working at the wedding as a host, and the lively and charming guy in front of him is his ideal type! As the two of them get closer and closer each wedding, the introductory notes of love are starting to play out between them….

Happy End

Happy End

They are people who have important significance for each other, but are not honest with each other. They live in a shadow world of lies and half truths and just waiting for the truth to come forward so they can continue their lives in a new direction..