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The Gigolos

The Gigolos

Sacha is an aging, well-established London 'male escort' with a select clientèle of weekly socialite ladies, such as baroness James, who expect an impeccable service he can only provide thanks to his in-living 'orderly', handsome 'clever Trevor', who moonlights as nude arts class model. Ben is a rising novice, who seeks their coaching. When Sasha makes a bad fall, Trevor must cover during his recovery, but jealous Sasha is far from grateful..

The Gigolo

The Gigolo

Fung looks like a super-heartthrob and was bon with a special endowment, making him the high school idol. He was expelled from school when he was caught fighting on campus. When his mom, the sole provider of his family with her poultry business, had to stop working due to her back problems, Fung decides to support his family financially. And from that moment, his life takes on a tumultuous change….

Journal d'un gigolo

Journal d'un gigolo

La vie d'un gigolo déraille lorsqu'il se retrouve impliqué dans les affaires de famille d'une cliente et qu'il enfreint la règle primordiale de son métier : ne pas tomber amoureux..

The Ignorants and Gigolos

The Ignorants and Gigolos

Two groups of ignorant people and gigolos are constantly fighting each other in the neighborhood. But in the end, after many conflicts, one of the ignorants marries the sister of one of the gigolos, and one of the gigolos marries the sister of one of the ignorant, and thus the neighborhood regains its peace..

Just a Gigolo

Just a Gigolo

Comment vivre heureux et riche sans travailler ? Être Gigolo. Mais après 25 ans de vie commune avec Denise, Alex le « gigolo » se fait congédier sans préavis et se retrouve à la rue. Forcé de s’installer chez sa sœur et son neveu de 10 ans, il n’a alors qu’une obsession : retrouver au plus vite une riche héritière..

Just a Gigolo

Just a Gigolo

After World War I, a war hero returns to Berlin to find that there's no place for him--he has no skills other than what he learned in the army, and can only find menial, low-paying jobs. He decides to become a gigolo to lonely rich women..

The Gigolo 2

The Gigolo 2

Fung, aka “King of the Gigolos”, is now ‘retired’ and running a nightspot in Hong Kong’s Lan Kwai Fong entertainment district. He takes on a rare new client, Monica, who has reluctantly turned to prostitution to pay her mother’s medical bills. Having been referred to him for carnal guidance after a customer labels her a “dead fish”, Monica inevitably falls for Fung’s charms..

Friday Gigolo

Friday Gigolo

Donald (Simon Yam) is a photographer who on Fridays is gigolo. On one particular friday entertaining his client is Sophia (Yau Yuet Ching), a ravenous rich man's wife he witnesses a murder in the street. Unable to report to the police for fear of her husband (who is soon revealed to be Donald's boss!), so Donald reports it to the police and poses as the witness..

Gigolo and Whore II

Gigolo and Whore II

Humiliated by Charlene, a rich girl who has acquired the company that Johnson works in, Johnson decides to take revenge on her. To their surprise, Charlene turn to woman again. When Jack nearly succeeds, he finds himself in love with Charlene....

Gigolo of Chinese Hollywood

Gigolo of Chinese Hollywood

During hard times in the Hong Kong film industry, an out-of-work actor talks a producer, writer, and an actor into making a movie together. They become gigolos to raise money for the production..

Fading Gigolo

Fading Gigolo

When his father Giacomo comes back into his life after a heart attack, Alfonso has to cope with a life-changing truth: his father is a gigolo. After a series of unfortunate events, Alfonso is forced to follow in his father's footsteps..

Hong Kong Gigolo

Hong Kong Gigolo

Cheng, Wai & Joe are Gigolos. Cheng, once very popular, is losing his fame due to age. Wai’s profession brings to his family lots of bad luck and destruction. Joe is persuaded to betray his client by videotaping their intercourse for the client’s husband and get involved in a murder case. The life of gigolos with the good things and the wrong side..



Judith a la cinquantaine séduisante. Femme équilibrée, elle dirige une émission de téléachat. Divorcée, elle vit seule, avec pour confidente sa soeur Irène, qui est la seule a connaître son secret : Judith s'offre régulièrement les services sexuels de jeunes gens, qu'elle choisit sur les sites d'escort d'Internet.Elle rencontre ainsi Patrick, qu'elle apprécie pour sa gentillesse, son charme et sa simplicité. Or Patrick, en réalité Marco, est marié et profondément amoureux de sa femme Fanny, laquelle pense que son mari fait des chantiers..



Daisuke is a regular businessman who is looked down upon by his family and colleagues at work. But that job is only a cover for his real job as an agent who gets paid to extract top secret information from his targets by using his sexual technique to please women. One day, he unwillingly gets involved in a murder case.....

The Gigolo: Dochinpira

The Gigolo: Dochinpira

Jin is a twenty-two year old stud, with good looks. He's challenged by sexy Ai Mizushima to make her orgasm - it's a wager he can't refuse especially when the prize is a brand new sports car..



Acting : Gigolo
popularity : 0.647
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Gigolo en streaming gratuit.

Gigolo Club

Gigolo Club

An ambitious young man sets off to make his first million in a gigolo club. Wing is a hairdresser whose boss is gay, but he certainly isn't. When a cute young babe gives him a full-on view of her knickers, Wing fantasies about her, causing to get so hard that he pounds the head of the woman whose hair he is shampooing. This woman runs a gigolo club, and invites him to join..