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Asylum: An Empty Nest For The Mentally Ill?

Asylum: An Empty Nest For The Mentally Ill?

Psychiatrist Dr. Dean Brooks, who appears in the film One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, and others discuss how jails and prisons have become our new asylums and how community care, especially inadequately funded community care, is failing to help people. They also discuss the need for what his granddaughter, Dr. Ulista Brooks, describes as “true asylums” — the construction of new modern mental hospitals, and other important issues regarding care for the mentally ill..

The Empty Nest

The Empty Nest

Zhao Yimei was an "Empty Nest" old woman. Her husband betrayed her when she was young, and she drove her husband and son out of the house. Today, she has a poor relationship with her son who lives far away and suffers from urinary incontinence. She lost faith in life and intends to end her life. Lei Xiaoding, a health care product salesman who broke into her life "accidentally". His humorous, diligent, and caring brought long-lost love and warmth to Zhao Yimei. The two became increasingly harmonious and created many warm and happy memories. In return, Zhao Yimei bought many health products from Lei Xiaoding. Lei Xiaoding wanted to achieve something in big cities, but was frustrated everywhere. One day, he defrauded all of Zhao Yimei's savings together with others. Facing such a betrayal, Zhao Yimei fell into despair again..

The Empty Nest

The Empty Nest

Monste, a scatterbrained, well-meaning sex therapist, embarks on a mission to reconnect with her angsty son after discovering his troubles may stem from the huge "problem" tucked inside his trousers..

Les enfants sont partis

Les enfants sont partis

Écrivain réputé, Leonardo est marié à Martha, parents de trois enfants, ils forment un couple comblé et font l’envie de leurs amis… Mais lorsque Julia, leur fille cadette, se marie et quitte la ville, Leonardo et Martha se retrouvent seuls. Martha tente de surmonter ses frustrations en retournant à l’université et en menant une vie sociale intense. De son côté, Leonardo se réfugie dans ses fantasmes. A tel point qu’il ne parvient bientôt plus à distinguer son monde imaginaire de la réalité….

Empty Nest

Empty Nest

Two generations, one meal together. Young meets old, traditional meets liberal. In the story 'Empty Nest', mother, father, their only grown son and his girlfriend come together when they visit their parents. The overprotective mother does not cope with the departure of her only child, while the proud father's thoughts revolve solely around aging. The conversations are about life, memories, and expectations, while quietly telling of loneliness and grief..