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The Comedian

The Comedian

Jackie Burke est un célèbre humoriste. Alors qu'il tente de se réinventer, son public ne veut le voir que dans la peau du personnage qu'il incarnait jadis à la télévision. Lors d'un de ses shows, il s'en prend violemment à un membre du public. Jackie est condamné à du travail d'intérêt général, notamment à la soupe populaire. Il y fait la rencontre de Harmony Schiltz..

Humoristes du monde

Humoristes du monde

Série de stand-up, Humoristes du monde réunit 47 humoristes issus de 13 pays différents. Tous s’amusent de leur époque et de l'univers qui les entoure, en fonction de leur style d’humour et de leur vie quotidienne. Il y en a pour tous les goûts !.

The Comedian

The Comedian

Set in the immediate and random background of today’s London. THE COMEDIAN is a fresh, dramatic and funny debut feature about choices and how not to make them..

The Comedian

The Comedian

Billie, the stagehand at a local comedy club, dreams of becoming the next big name in comedy but doesn't have the confidence to go on stage. Until one night, she meets her comic idol, Larry DJ, a clean comic with a dark personality. But when a plea for affirmation transforms into unwanted sexual advances, she's forced to make a decision, stand up for herself or walk away..

The Comedian

The Comedian

Sammy Hogarth, a vaudeville comedian who now has his own TV show, is a ruthless egomaniac who demands instant obedience from his staff and heaps abuse on those in lesser positions than his. His most vituperative behavior, however, is reserved for his weak-willed brother, Lester, whom Sammy has hired as his assistant but whom he really uses as his whipping boy..

The Comedian

The Comedian

A want-to-be stand-up comedian uses comedy routines to spark a connection with a Chinese girl. They are surrounded by an empty, urban landscape, yet an intimacy grows..

The Comedians

The Comedians

Un comédien superstar mais vieillissant se voit contraint de collaborer sur son émission mythique avec une valeur montante du stand-up, à l'humour beaucoup plus borderline que lui....

Les comédiens

Les comédiens

En Haïti, sous la dictature de Papa Doc, trois hommes blancs se croisent dans un Port-au-Prince quadrillé par les tontons macoutes. Brown, tenancier faussement cynique d'un hôtel qui a connu des jours meilleurs, est pris entre son désir de partir et sa passion pour Martha, volage épouse d'un ambassadeur ; Jones dissimule ses activités de trafiquant d'armes derrière un charme mondain et un grade de major ; Smith l'Américain est bardé de bonnes intentions et flanqué de sa tendre épouse. La noire réalité haïtienne va peu à peu faire tomber leurs masques...

The Comedians

The Comedians

The comedians is a British television show of the 1970s produced by Johnnie Hamp of Granada Television. The show gave a stage to nightclub and working men's club comedians of the era, including Russ Abbot, Lennie Bennett, Stan Boardman, Jim Bowen, Jimmy Bright, Duggie Brown, Mike Burton, Dave Butler, Brian Carroll, Frank Carson, Mike Coyne, Jimmy Cricket, Colin Crompton, Pauline Daniels, Charlie Daze, Vince Earl, Steve Faye, Eddie Flanagan, Stu Francis, Ken Goodwin, Jackie Hamilton, Jerry Harris, George King, Bobby Knutt, Bernard Manning, Mike McCabe, Paul Melba, Mick Miller, Hal Nolan, Tom O'Connor, Tom Pepper, Bryn Phillips, Mike Reid, George Roper, Harry Scott, Sammy Thomas, Johnny Wager, Roy Walker, Charlie Williams, Lee Wilson and Lenny Windsor. Also featured on the TV show, were Shep's Banjo Boys, a 7-piece band comprising Charlie Bentley, John Drury, Andy Holdorf, John Orchard, John Rollings, Graham Shepherd and Howard Shepherd. In 1973, the line up was Mike Dexter, Tony "Tosh" Kennedy, Ged Martin, Tony Pritchard, Graham Shepherd and Howard "Shep" Shepherd..

The Comedians of Comedy

The Comedians of Comedy

The Comedians of Comedy is an occasional stand-up comedy tour featuring Patton Oswalt, Zach Galifianakis, Brian Posehn and Maria Bamford that was documented in a 2005 film and 2005 Comedy Central television series of the same name, both directed by Michael Blieden..

Cutting Edge Comedians of the '60s & '70s

Cutting Edge Comedians of the '60s & '70s

In the late 1950s, a fresh, unconventional style of standup comedy emerged in sharp contrast to the standard "Take my wife, please" approach. It tackled such previously taboo subjects as sex, religion, drugs, and politics, and ushered in an avant-garde era of comedy that was decidedly more cerebral, satirical, and improvisational than before. Here are many of the maverick comedians who took those big risks years ago and paved the way for today’s current crop of outrageous, in-your-face comics. Many of these rare television performances have not been seen in 30 or 40 years. Carl Reiner & Mel Brooks (1966) Jackie Mason (1961) Bob Newhart (1966) Shelly Berman (1966) Bill Cosby (1965) Jonathan Winters (1961) Smothers Brothers (1974) Steve Martin (1977) Rowan & Martin (1964) Lily Tomlin (1975) George Carlin (1967 & 1975) Richard Pryor (1967 & 1974) Andy Kaufman (1977) Hendra & Ullett (1966) Billy Crystal (1976) Jay Leno (1978) David Letterman (1979).

The Comedians of Comedy: Live at the El Rey

The Comedians of Comedy: Live at the El Rey

For the final show of their successful "Comedians of Comedy" tour, "alternative" stand-up comics Maria Bamford, Brian Posehn and Patton Oswalt pull out all the stops in a grand finale-worthy performance that finds humor in unexpected places. Taped live at Los Angeles's El Rey Theater and featuring fellow funnyman Bob Odenkirk, this farewell gig is sure to please fans who like their laughs with bite..