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The Brute

The Brute

Glamour model Diane Shepherd is routinely being beaten by her husband Tim, who accuses her of infidelity. When she can't take it anymore, she finds shelter with photographer Mark and his girlfriend Carrie. They introduce Diane to Millie, who is in a similar situation. Meanwhile, Tim informs Diane that if she doesn't come back to him, he will see to it that he gains custody of their son, Timmy..

Exterminez toutes ces brutes

Exterminez toutes ces brutes

Série documentaire qui revient sur le colonialisme européen à travers les travaux de Sven Lindqvist (" Exterminate All the Brutes "), de Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz (" An Indigenous People's History of the United States ") et de Michel-Rolph Trouillot (" Silencing the Past "). La série mêle des images d'archives, de l'animation ainsi que des scènes de fiction..

The Brute

The Brute

Martin Sondes is an easy-going cowhand going up against a shady, saloon owner called "Square Deal" Fenton, whose chief means of making money is befuddling cowpuncher's brains with liquor and then cheating and robbing them of their money..

Brute Horsepower: The History Of The Summernats 1988-2007

Brute Horsepower: The History Of The Summernats 1988-2007

Highlights from every Brute Horsepower production since the 1986 Street Machine Nationals in Canberra Australia - the first Summernats in 1988 through to the 20th in 2007. Featuring highlights, milestones, trends, outstanding cars and people, sponsors and exhibitors and an Honour Roll. "Every event has an extremely memorable highlight" Narrated by event promoter Chic henry and Burnout Track announcing Supremo Milton Adey. It's 20 years of Street Machining History..

The Handsome Brute

The Handsome Brute

After being wrongly dismissed from the New York City police department, police officer Larry 'O'Day (William Fairbanks) reveals an internationally-known detective John Granger (Lee Shumway) to be a cheap crook. He is promoted and reinstated and marries his ever-faithful sweetheart Nelly Egan (Virginia Lee Corbin.).

The Magnificent Brute

The Magnificent Brute

A love triangle forms the basis of this drama. It all begins in a steel mill when a steel worker ignores the besotted gazes of his landlady at the boarding house and falls in love with a gold-digger. His best friend also finds himself smitten by the seductive young woman. But when the one of the workers fritters away a collection that had been taken up for the wife of a deceased co-worker on a foolish bet, he and the vamp take off until the good-hearted landlady intervenes and convinces them to stay and take their lumps..



Le propriétaire Andrès Cabrera veut mettre dehors, pour vendre le terrain, les humbles locataires d'un immeuble qu'il loue. Don Carmelo à leur tête, ces derniers s'y opposent. Cabrera engage un homme de main pour les terroriser. "El Bruto" frappe Don Carmelo si sauvagement que celui-ci succombe à ses blessures. Meche, la fille du défunt, arrive et s'éprend de l'assassin de son père..

The Brutes

The Brutes

On the edge of a big city on a go-kart track, Mike and Werner meet Alice and her friends. They like the girl. Mike manages to separate Alice from her group and get into the car with Werner. It had been decided to go to a lake with the others to take a bath at night. Too late Alice realizes that Mike and Werner did not drive to the agreed lake, but to a lonely gravel pit. The friends will not come anymore. And she realizes the intentions of her companions..

Le fauve

Le fauve

This drama about a boorish non-conformist takes place in Hungary after the war and is dulled a little by political overtones but is still an engaging story. The setting is the countryside, where an independent, landowning farmer busies himself in his free time by bedding down the women on his farm and then tossing them aside. One such ill-treated lass ends up marrying a young man who is in charge of a communal farm, a farm the womanizing "beast" of the title is later forced to join. The arrogant, formerly independent farmer does not reform his ways and is soon chasing after the young manager's wife, the woman he dropped not that long ago. The results are disastrous..

The Love of a Brute

The Love of a Brute

Broken-hearted and depressed Kyoko meets the kind and handsome young man Kadono, who she subsequently marries. Their marriage is a happy one, until Kyoko begins to suspect that Kadono may be in love with someone else..

Le Bon, la Brute et le Truand

Le Bon, la Brute et le Truand

Pendant la guerre de Sécession, Tuco et Joe se lancent à la recherche d'un coffre contenant 200 000 dollars en pièces d'or volés à l'armée sudiste. Ayant des indices complémentaires sur la cache, chacun a besoin de l'autre. Mais un troisième homme entre dans la course : Sentenza, un tueur qui ne recule devant rien pour parvenir à ses fins..

Le Bon, la Brute, le Cinglé

Le Bon, la Brute, le Cinglé

Les années 30 en Mandchourie. Le Cinglé vole une carte aux trésors à un haut dignitaire japonais. La Brute, tueur à gages réputé, est payé pour récupérer cette carte. Le Bon veut retrouver le détenteur de la carte pour empocher la prime. Un seul parviendra à ses fins, s'il réussit à anéantir l'armée japonaise, les voyous chinois, les gangsters coréens... et ses deux adversaires..

L'Éducatrice et le Tyran

L'Éducatrice et le Tyran

Boris Pochenko, le dictateur d'un petit pays de l'Est anciennement communiste, cherche un précepteur américain pour ses trois enfants. Grushinsky, son émissaire à New York, embauche par erreur la ravissante Joy Miller, une jeune esthéticienne. Dès son arrivée au château de Pochenko, le malentendu plonge la jeune femme dans une série de mésaventures et de quiproquos surréalistes. Ses rapports avec Boris Pochenko démarrent sous de très mauvais auspices. Mais le charme et l'aplomb de Joy lui permettent de sortir des situations les plus embrouillées. Un tendre sentiment finit par naître entre le dictateur et son drôle de professeur..