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The Brass Ring

The Brass Ring

A sequel to 1974's Challenge, in which the title character is assigned to gather incriminating evidence against his rival in the state senate, but his assignment gets complicated when the rival hires a group of killers to rub him out..

The Brass Ring

The Brass Ring

In the summer of 2002, a group of friends in rural Ohio set out to create their own Super-8mm zombie epic, inspired by a generation of regional filmmakers before them. Lead by William Schotten, a salesman and horror fan with no prior filmmaking experience, and J.J. Zetts, an I.T. consultant, the group is sure that success is at hand. Or is it...? This is their story... see first-hand how a loyal group of first-time filmmakers try to turn $7,500 cash into 90 minutes of raw, unbridled horror movie!.

Les Rênes du Pouvoir

Les Rênes du Pouvoir

L'atmosphère est à la fête à St. Louis alors que la campagne électorale en vue d'élire le nouveau gouverneur du Missouri touche à sa fin. C'est l'ambitieux et brillant Blake Pellarin, dont la carrière politique est financée par sa femme, qui semble détenir l'avantage. Mais son passé refait soudainement surface sous les traits du Dr. Mennaker, ex-politicien et homosexuel notoire, qui brandit une photo compromettante. Piégé, Pellarin va devoir affronter un passé douteux qui pourrait bien lui barrer définitivement la route de la Maison Blanche….

The Big Brass Ring

The Big Brass Ring

George Hickenlooper filmed five pages (two scenes) from Orson Welles' screenplay of "The Big Brass Ring" in 1997 in the hope of attracting interest in the project. The feature film version was released in 1999..