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The Big Battalions

The Big Battalions

The Big Battalions tells the story of three families, Christian, Muslim and Jewish, and moves between Britain, Ethiopia, Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia..

Le Bataillon Perdu

Le Bataillon Perdu

Première guerre mondiale, 1917. Pris au piège entre deux tranchées ennemies, deux possibilités s'offrent à eux : se rendre ou mourir. Ils ont choisi de se battre malgré tout. L'histoire vraie d'un batailllon de la 77ème division de l'armée américaine qui, par un courage exemplaire, s'est battu corps et âme contre l'ennemi. Menée par le Major Charles Whittlesey, cette compagnie a vécu un véritable enfer. Mais leur exploit est devenu une légende....

The Lost Battalion

The Lost Battalion

Les unités de la 77e division d'infanterie des États-Unis, surnommées « Lost Battalion », engagées dans la Première Guerre mondiale lors de l'offensive Meuse-Argonne d'octobre 1918, se retrouvent encerclées par les forces allemandes..

Black Women and World War II: The 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion

Black Women and World War II: The 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion

In the midst of World War II, the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, an all-female African-American unit, undertook the monumental task of sorting and delivering a massive backlog of mail for the U.S. military. Despite facing deplorable working conditions and the pervasive dual discrimination of race and gender, these women served their country with unbreakable determination and pride. Led by the formidable Major Charity Adams, they not only achieved their mission in half the expected time but also broke barriers, standing firm against inequality and inspiring future generations. Tragically overlooked for years, the story of the 6888th sheds light on a remarkable, untold chapter of American history, reflecting both the triumphs and injustices that shaped the nation's path towards civil rights. Their courage and resilience continue to resonate, a poignant reminder of the societal strides still needed to fully recognize and honor their invaluable contribution..

The Forgotten Battalion

The Forgotten Battalion

War is a killer of some of our best and youngest men and women in America. However, not all of the death happens while deployed or at the hands of enemy troops. Sadly, because of their service's impact, many of our young heroes are dying at their own hands. Forgotten Battalion follows the Second Battalion, Seventh Marine Regiment, one of the toughest and hardest hit during their tour in Afghanistan. In 2008, 1,200 members deployed to cover a territory the size of Oregon, engaging in heavy combat with insurgent elements with no air support and beyond supply lines due to military cutbacks, they routinely ran short on food, water, and ammunition. Upon returning home, they soon discovered the horror of war and the challenges of surviving were not over. Their suicide rate is approximately four times the rate for other young vets and 14 times the average for most Americans..

The Mormon Battalion

The Mormon Battalion

With great sacrifice, the Saints courageously formed the Mormon Battalion, and mustered support for the United States in the war with Mexico. Follow their trials as they make their way to San Diego, help in the discovery of California gold, and blaze a new wagon road across the Sierra Nevada’s. Woven amid this often forgotten chapter of history is the story of Melissa Burton Coray–one of few women who made this 3,000 mile journey. Running time 50 minutes.

Beyond The Battalion

Beyond The Battalion

Beyond The Battalion tells the story of the 28th Māori Battalion. It revisits two earlier films, including one on the 1977 pilgrimage of the battalion back to their WW11 battle grounds..

The 1st Earth Battalion

The 1st Earth Battalion

The First Earth Battalion traces the evolution of the remote viewing program devised for the U.S. military. Originally designed to harness paranormal psychic ability for strategic advantage, the military field tactics manual and Project Stargate were recently declassified by the CIA. Commander Jim Channon, the late author of this top-secret military program, along with other military and civilian purveyors of remote viewing techniques, imagine a future where the military has no secrets, and in which these communication capabilities are not just available but mastered by all..

Serving For Justice The Story Of The 333Rd Field Artillery Battalion

Serving For Justice The Story Of The 333Rd Field Artillery Battalion

Amidst the horrors and indignities of Jim Crow America, one million African Americans served their country to protect democracy abroad and expand it at home during World War II. The new documentary tells a unit struggling to succeed in battle, proving their full-citizenship when their lives seemed to matter less. Serving for Justice: The Story of the 333rd Field Artillery Battalion is a story of fortitude, brotherhood, and faith in America's ideals..

The Battalion

The Battalion

Russia, 1917, WWI. This is the story of the 1st Russian Women's Battalion of Death, formed as part of an ill-conceived propaganda ploy by the Russian Provisional Government in late May of 1917..

The Shadow Battalion

The Shadow Battalion

Dreams, hopes and passions of the inhabitants of a populous and humble tenement in Madrid. Among them, an inventor who invents always what is already invented, a composer, a hostess, a locksmith, a delivery of a pastry ....