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Susana la perverse

Susana la perverse

Une jeune fille échappée d'une maison de redressement et recueillie par les propriétaires d'une riche hacienda. Feignant l'innocence, Susana trouble rapidement l'équilibre du microcosme, en séduisant successivement Jesús, le contremaître, Alberto, le fils de la maison, et même Don Guadalupe, qui règne en maître sur le domaine. Quand la duplicité de Susana est révélée – et l'importune évacuée – l'hacienda, qui a frôlé la tragédie familiale, recouvre ordre moral et social..



Susana is a girl that is sent to work to a small coast village in the south of Spain. The women in the villages receive her with a cold shoulder. Susana finds out that they are resentful towards their husbands: before, they used to fish close to home and now they fish far away for months and months. Susana will give the women some lessons about living together, so the men would consider going back to old ways. This will make her fall in love again..



Acting : Susana
popularity : 0.001
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Susana en streaming gratuit.



Susana is a citizen who resides somewhere in Mexico City. Throughout this story, Susana goes through the adversities of living with an abusive father, while she is waiting for her boyfriend to escape from her. These elements are what lead to a tragic conclusion..



ICE conducted the largest immigration raids in US history at slaughterhouses in 2019, arresting and deporting undocumented workers. Despite the danger to herself and her family, former slaughterhouse worker Susana returns to the scene at night to care for animals on their way to the kill floor..



This short film is an autobiographical portrait of a young Argentine lesbian growing up in a homophobic environment..



Acting : Susana
popularity : 0.078
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Susana en streaming gratuit.