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Carson, lycéen geek, malin et sarcastique, rêve de devenir un talentueux journaliste. Mais il lui faut un dossier béton pour intégrer une prestigieuse université et quand on vient de Clover High School, ce n'est pas facile ! La conseillère pédagogique de son lycée lui suggère de créer un club littéraire pour sortir du lot. Mais comment motiver des lycéens plus intéressés par le foot, la drague, les bimbos et la fête ? C'est alors que sa seule amie, Malerie lui propose une méthode imbattable pour convertir les irréductibles glandeurs à la littérature..

Struck by Lightning

Struck by Lightning

Struck by Lightning is a 1979 American television sitcom about Frankenstein's monster, which aired on CBS. Like Working Stiffs, another 1979 CBS sitcom, this show was canceled after only three episodes were aired in the United States, although all completed episodes did end up being shown in England on ITV in 1980..

Struck by Lightning

Struck by Lightning

This little comedy is set in a small factory come halfway home, employing only handicapped people. Ollie Rennie is the boss and sometime minder of all his workers. He employees Pat Cannizzaro to help get all his workers into some sort of sport, and Pat just happens to be a soccer teacher. He forms a team and tries to take them all the way, with some funny results..

Struck by Lightning

Struck by Lightning

Raul and Romet are two film school students who one day wish to become world famous film directors. However this is not the reason they made this film. They had a really cool friend Brandon. He was an up-and-coming rapper and also their favourite actor. But during a summer holiday in America the brothers get a call that Brandon has killed himself. It all seemed so sudden and they couldn't even say goodbye. So the brothers attempt to understand the mysterious end of their friend by making a movie about it..