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Late for the most important meeting of his life, a toxic executive finds himself trapped in a time paradox within a public restroom..



Un pauvre type va faire ses besoins dans les toilettes pour dames et y reste caché le temps que certaines aient fini leurs petites affaires. Sauf que des zombies débarquent....



Alex Macey is getting divorced. In an underground parking garage an emotional call to his wife cuts out. Returning to his car he confronts a would be car jacker. With violent results.



Two different worlds collide as a group of young rockers become unwilling guests of the quirky townsfolk of Hereabouts, Alabama, when their van breaks down. But in this case, first impressions could be deceiving. In fact, given time, opposites just may attract when the townspeople and the interlopers begin to get to know each other!.



Stalled tells the tense story of a scummy defense attorney who finds himself trapped in a bathroom stall with an armed and desperate young man..



A young businesswoman arrives late for a convention at a hotel. She stops in a restroom to relieve herself. Inside, she notices someone wears an interesting pair of shoes in the stall next to her. When that someone reaches under the stall wall, to the business woman’s shock and surprise, she quickly realizes it’s something else. Something that may change her life, for the worse..



After being expelled from his medical residency program, Imran finds himself stranded in the vast California desert, his car breaking down just hours before reuniting with his family on Chaand Raat, the eve of Eid..

Stalled Trek: The City on the Edge of Foreclosure

Stalled Trek: The City on the Edge of Foreclosure

When Captain Krok and Mr. Spott hop through a stone donut to travel back to 1930 New York City, Krok finds he can't have his fate and Edith, too! Stalled Trek: The City On the Edge of Foreclosure is an Animated Puppet Parody of what many consider to be the greatest Trek of all time..