

Comment faire pour télécharger Stalker gratuitement



La romance naissante d'un jeune homme est menacée lorsqu'il se lie d'amitié avec un chauffeur de covoiturage instable..



Environ six millions de personnes sont victimes de harcèlements chaque année aux Etats-Unis. Rejet, vengeance, jalousie excessive, trouble obsessionel en sont les causes principales. Tout le monde peut en être victime, tout le monde peut potentiellement devenir un stalker un jour. Les nouvelles technologies et les réseaux sociaux multiplient les dangers, les tentations et les moyens de parvenir à ses fins. Une unité spéciale de la police de Los Angeles est chargée d'enquêter sur toutes les plaintes de harcèlements à l'encontre de politiciens ou d'employés de la ville et de l'état de Californie. Elle sert aussi de consultante au FBI, à la CIA et aux services secrets. Beth Davis, autrefois victime elle-même, est à la tête de ce département....



Rose Hepburn, a young actor working in horror movies, returns to her empty hotel. Forced to use the old freight elevator, it jolts to a halt on the twelfth floor, leaving her trapped with an unusual stranger. Left with no mobile phone signal as a storm approaches, tensions escalate and suspicions rise when Rose discovers the identity of the mysterious man is Daniel Reed, a camera operator on her latest movie, who is seemingly obsessed with her. As the elevator hangs precariously high about to plunge down at any minute, some harsh truths and actions start unfolding..



A mentally unstable homeless man attempts to save his new and only friend from the world and drug dealers that make his life a living hell..



When novelist Paula Martin retreats to the seclusion of her family home Crows Hall she hopes to clear her mind and focus on her new book. The arrival of an assistant, Linda, should take the pressure off... but as the bodies pile up, Paula finds herself trapped in a terrifying nightmare of murder and madness..



A well-known Hollywood actress is suddenly tormented by a stalker. Her sister and high school boyfriend try to figure out who is tormenting her. (courtesy of



In the remote Scottish Highlands an aging stalker sets his wits and grit against a poacher who is taking the heads of his best stags..



A kid and his friend have the house to themselves, and what starts as a fun weekend turns into something far more sinister when they realize they aren’t alone.



A man follows deer prints through the snowy landscape of the Lake District, but the situation might not be as clear cut as it seems..



Arvind is a doting father to 16 year old Anu. One day Anu starts receiving text messages from unknown nos. She confronts her friends but they deny it. She finds herself stalked where ever she goes. She can't divulge this to anyone as the stalker threatens to kill her parents if she does so. Caught in this traumatic situation, she becomes a recluse and a mental wreck. Her parents are unable to fathom what is happening with her. How Anu and the family get out of the situation forms the crux of the film..



Felix is harassed for several years by an anonymous phone number. The sender claims to be a gang that will not stop until Felix’s life is ruined. Who or what is behind the number? What has Felix done, and how can he make it stop? A documentary series in three parts by Johannes Hallbom..



In the midst of stress from academics, a college student discovers he is being stalked by a shadowy presence from his dreams..



Colfax Avenue is the longest commercial street in America. Tonight, it's the deadliest. Ten years ago, Penny Foster killed three people on Colfax Avenue while on her way home from work..



One night as Lena is walking home from a volleyball game when she begins to realise that someone is following her..



A struggling writer is quickly drawn into a sinister world when his phone is stolen and the thief uses it to upload disturbing videos to the writer's cloud storage..