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Le Somnambuliste

Le Somnambuliste

Simon, un trentenaire somnambule en pleine crise existentielle ne cesse de se réveiller la nuit et sème la terreur à Westheim, bourgade alsacienne perdue au cœur des vignes. Face aux accusations des habitants et de la police qui le considèrent comme dangereux, il est convaincu d’être la victime d’un complot qui le pousse à commettre des crimes dont il n’a pas connaissance..



In 1958, graduates of the Film School in Łódź – director Mieczysław Waśkowski and camera operator Adam Nurzyński – produced in cooperation with Tadeusz Kantor the short film Somnambulists. The colourful, painting-like moving image was an attempt at transferring the informel onto film stock..



Ana works side by side with her mother Maria Rosa in the fight to save the anti-Franco militants from the death penalty during the process of Burgos. Ana's mother is a former actress and Ana, her mother and a few other actors prepare an act of protest in the theater where an international festival on Strinberg is being held. But there are more things in Ana's life. The mother lives with her uncle, the brother of his father, Norman, an old doctor of devious methods. Helped by Fatima, an old nurse who loves her father, the doctor will try to experiment with Ana's ideas and feelings as well.

The Somnambulists

The Somnambulists

Plagued by terrifying nightmares, Francesca finds herself waking up in tears. Her Grandfather explains the legend of The Somnambulists - the spirits of people wronged in life possessing the living in their dreams. To make matters worse, the sleepy little town Francesca lives in is being terrorized by a deranged serial killer. As Francesca loses her grip on reality, she begins to realize that the legend of The Somnambulists may be more than just a legend..

Ensemble for Somnambulists

Ensemble for Somnambulists

Ensemble for Somnambulists was a film Maya Deren made while teaching a workshop at the Toronto Film Society. It was never completed, and is officially "unpublished," but this title has been restored and it screens occasionally along with her other films. It is sort of a preliminary sketch for The Very Eye of Night. ~ David Lewis, Rovi.

The Somnambulist

The Somnambulist

Originally named "The Clairvoyant" presenting the many talents of parapsychologist Elsbeth Günther-Geffers. First banned, later extensively reworked..



Struggling with financial difficulties, Max meets his old friend, who suggests him a way to resolve them. Not expecting a dirty trick he finds himself in a situation that goes beyond his usual reality..