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Riding with Death

Riding with Death

Agent Sam Casey is in a satellite explosion and the radiation turns him invisible. He gets a watch that keeps him visible, and he uses it to switch from visible to invisible. He is assigned to transport a chemical called Tripolydine, which is purported to be the most efficient fuel; when the cover is blown on that and he uncovers and stops the Tripolydine fraud, he must then stop a terrorist from blowing up race cars..

Le Nouvel Homme invisible

Le Nouvel Homme invisible

Victime d'une explosion sous-marine, l'agent secret Sam Casey découvre qu'il a désormais le pouvoir de se rendre invisible pour un laps de temps limité. Grâce à une montre, qui est en fait un stabilisateur, il peut maîtriser son invisibilité pendant environ quinze minutes..

La mort était au rendez-vous

La mort était au rendez-vous

Par un soir pluvieux, quatre hommes attaquent une maison sans défense. Alors enfant, Bill Meceita, caché derrière un meuble, assiste au viol et au meurtre de sa famille. Quinze ans plus tard, l'heure de la vengeance a sonné. Bill, maintenant adulte, part à la recherche des bandits. Dans le même temps, Ryan sort de prison, où il fut envoyé il y a des années par ses anciens complices. Lui aussi n'a qu'une idée en tête : la vengeance. Les chemins des deux hommes vont se croiser, jusqu'à se rapprocher plus qu'on aurait pu le croire. Commence alors une relation... d'homme à homme !.

Death Rides Along

Death Rides Along

Idaho Kent, an agent of the pony express company, is asked to reach Sacramento with proof against a dishonest politician candidate for the local elections. Several people, paid by the corrupt man, try to stop him..

Yakuza-Busting Girls: Final Death-Ride Battle

Yakuza-Busting Girls: Final Death-Ride Battle

The story is about a woman named Asami who is tortured and left for dead by a Yakuza group, only they failed to finish her off, and she staggers back from the grave, literally. Bruised and battered, Asami seeks refuge at her old gang until such time she is ready to take on the Yakuza and go face to face with Junko..

Little Red Riding Hood: A Tale of Blood and Death

Little Red Riding Hood: A Tale of Blood and Death

When Markus realized a filthy girl in front of his house and took it into his flat, his women annika quickly realized something must be wrong with her. She does not feel comfortable with the imagination to have her in the flat for the night and she was right. The girl knows details about the couple she could not and should not know and starts an unnatural mind game, which goes far beyond rationality and should finally end up bloody..