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Centers on a murder that takes place at a high school reunion, unfolding during a snowstorm that leaves guests trapped in an isolated mansion..

Réunion : Destins Brisés

Réunion : Destins Brisés

En 1986, ils étaient les meilleurs des amis. 20 ans plus tard, la nuit de leurs retrouvailles de lycée, l'un d'eux a été tué. Voici l'histoire de six amis pendant 20 ans. Chaque épisode est une nouvelle année. Et chaque année nous amène un peu plus proche de la vérité..

L'Ami retrouvé

L'Ami retrouvé

Henry Strauss, avocat d'affaires new-yorkais, se rend à Stuttgart, ville qu'il a quittée en 1932 à l'age de seize ans. Il s'appelait alors Hans Strauss, il était juif. Son meilleur ami, Konrad, était le fils d'un grand aristocrate. La venue au pouvoir d'Hitler devait les séparer. Après cinquante ans d'exil, Henry cherche a savoir ce qu'est devenu son ami..



A pregnant woman returns to her recently-deceased grandparents’ old family home to spend time with her estranged mother. What begins as a tenuous reunion slowly turns terrifying..

Z/X Code reunion

Z/X Code reunion

La signature d'un traité de paix a assuré un cessez-le-feu fragile entre l'humanité et les Zex, des êtres qui sont sortis de failles spatio-temporelles liées à des mondes mystérieux et lointains. En partenariat avec un Zex nommé Rigel, Kagamihara Azumi doit assumer le destin de son propre monde idyllique. Le duo improbable se dirige vers l'Académie Fujimisaki nouvellement créée, mais….



Cold-hearted professor Dominique is suffering from kidney failure. While attending the Smith and Wesson family reunion, she tries to approach estranged sister, CeCe, for a transplant. However, the two of them have too many unresolved issues from their childhood. At great emotional expense, CeCe tries to confront past demons to find forgiveness and healing. Struggling with her own vulnerability, Dominique is forced to do some soul searching to address personal shortcomings in order to save her own life. And as the events surrounding the reunion continue to unfold, family members uncover buried truths and love, yet family politics nevertheless persist with the Smiths vying to maintain dominance and shut out the Wesson faction..



An African immigrant discovers the child soldier who wiped out her family years ago, is now a best selling author living in New York City..



Newspapers around the world proclaim the birth in Moosetown, Canada of the 3,000th baby brought into the world by the doctor, John Luke, known for delivering the famous Wyatt quintuplets. To honor the doctor on his retirement and to publicize their town, the Moosetown chamber of commerce decides to hold a reunion of all the babies delivered by the doctor, some of whom have become famous..



Ten years after the death of a close friend, a group of Yale graduates who formed a secret society to make the world a better place reunite, only to discover how far from their ambitious, selfless goals they have strayed. Brett Cullen, Jessica Hecht and Jamey Sheridan star in this ensemble drama..



Vanessa James thinks a charming old stranger may hold the key to her husband's secret past. Instead, she comes face to face with pure evil and the greatest terror imaginable..

Dynastie: La Réunion

Dynastie: La Réunion

Après neuf saisons, le feuilleton s'achève officiellement avec la mini-série « Dynastie : La Réunion », diffusée entre le 20 octobre et le 22 octobre 1991 sur ABC.



The undying bond between a mother and her beloved son nearly destroys the lives of an entire family. Jessie Yates (Marlo Thomas) is torn between the ghost of her son and the life she has created with her husband and family..



Un décorateur de télévision revient dans sa petite ville d'Arizona pour la réunion des 20 ans de sa classe, accompagné de son petit ami, et découvre que ses anciens camarades de classe ne sont pas exactement ce qu'ils semblent être..



Jack and Sara Cosgrave and their young son attend her family reunion. There, during an afternoon of drinking, a decade’s worth of bitterness and resentment explodes with unexpected results..



Reunion is the story of that person you carry with you. It's the story of a first love, a time and place and lives not led..



Chen works for the secret police in communist China. His girlfriend Yun, not so much. A medical doctor by profession, she has uncovered a gruesome crime linking the communist party to the widely popular human bodies exhibits, and is determined to do something about it. Chen vowed to protect her at all costs, but as Yun gets more involved in the resistance, he must decide if she is an enemy of the state or the love of his life..



A bittersweet and heartfelt story about going back. In the twenty-four hours before their 20th high school reunion, five friends, a younger brother and a mysterious photojournalist are reunited by determined Mayor Margaret to remember the good times of 1981.



A slow-burn drama about a long lost friends, who meet again by accident in one quiet afternoon. after a small talk about what they have been through in life-the tension between the two of them slowly rising up as the movie finally reveal a dark secret that happened with their relationship in the past..