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Based on the true story of Chris Crean, who took a stand against gang violence in his community only to become a target himself..



Entre deux mondes à la suite d'un accident mortel, un jeune homme doit résoudre et abandonner ses problèmes ou rester à jamais dans les limbes..



When the unemployed Ben finds out that the treatment of his leukemia sick daughter is not gonna be continued to be financed, he decides to rob a car rental company. Once in the situation however, his moral concerns keep him from the act. Will Ben be able to safe the life of his daughter?.

Resolve in Venezuela

Resolve in Venezuela

The word "resolver" in the context of seeking solutions is a word-expression widely used in Venezuela. This documentary follows the lives of several characters during one day. We see how they feel, work, talk or do such different things that show the reality (or realities) of a country so diverse and, at the same time, so unknown to the world..

Glorious Resolve

Glorious Resolve

The film based on a true story, tells the story of two soldiers who fought off an assault by 1500 attackers while defending section level outpost of an Infantry Battalion in South Waziristan Agency. 43 soldiers were killed in the battle on the night of 29 May 2009..



Internet sleuths and professional investigators re-open some of Hollywood's most notorious and controversial celebrity deaths..



The fascinating complexity of high school debate gives way to a portrait of the equally complex racial and class bias of American education in Greg Whiteley's riveting documentary..

No, the Case Is Happily Resolved

No, the Case Is Happily Resolved

Une jeune femme se fait assassiner sauvagement prés d'un lac. Fabio, qui est le témoin de la scène, prend peur et s'enfuit sans dénoncer l'assassin à la police. Le tueur se rend alors au commissariat pour l’accuser à sa place. Suite à cette déposition, la vie de Fabio devient un enfer. Quelques jours plus tard, il décide de raconter sa version au commissaire chargé de l'enquête..

The psychopath, chronicle of an unsolved case

The psychopath, chronicle of an unsolved case

The psychopath, chronicle of an unsolved case, tells the story of the first serial killer registered in Costa Rica. Known as "El Psicopáta", between 1985 and 1995, he left nineteen victims. The documentary analyzes the case from criminalistics and the analysis of a socio-political environment that influenced the case was never resolved and was recorded in the Costa Rican imaginary..

American Resolve

American Resolve

As three young men recount their lives going about Los Angeles, they encounter a young aspiring journalist who puts aside political bias to get their take on the current state of culture..

Her Resolve

Her Resolve

After enduring the loss of her father, a daughter navigates past remorse to find closure by using the creativity he had fostered, and her connection with her younger sister..



Having been hurt in the past, Mi-yeon has no interest in true love and only wants a physical relationship. This hurts the Cheol-jin, the man who loves her. He's an employee at Mi-yeon's company and tries to give her everything. And then there's Boh-ra's boyfriend Jung-min. Mi-yeon, Cheol-jin, Boh-ra, and Jung-min are four men and women whose intertwined relationships eventually makes wishes come true for Mi-yeon and Jung-min, as well as Boh-ra and Cheol-jin....

Il se peut que la beauté ait renforcé notre résolution - Masao Adachi

Il se peut que la beauté ait renforcé notre résolution - Masao Adachi

The first in a planned series of films about radical filmmakers by film critic Nicole Brenez and filmmaker Philippe Grandrieux, It May Be That Beauty Has Strengthened Our Resolve is a portrait of Masao Adachi, who emerged during the Japanese New Wave of the 1960s as a screenwriter for Nagisa Oshima and Koji Wakamatsu, and directed a series of avant-garde films that grafted radical politics to the sexploitation genre. A 1971 visit to a Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) training camp while on the way back from Cannes resulted in Adachi's most infamous film, the agit-prop documentary Red Army/PFLP: Declaration of World War, which he co-directed with Wakamatsu. Soon after, Adachi joined a splinter cell of the Japanese Red Army in Lebanon, where he stayed from 1974 until he was deported to Japan in 1997 to serve time for passport violations..

Rob Oldham - Worm's Resolve

Rob Oldham - Worm's Resolve

Following on from Worm's Lament, his 2018 debut, twenty-something Rob delivers again. The thinking man's comic, delve into this existential exploration of being right, being wrong and getting angry. A beguiling melting pot of Rob's signature prose poetry and smart funnies on religion, politics and morality..