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Feature film ‘Rentap is a fast-paced action comedy film about two ordinary brothers who are into ‘Parkour’, an exciting sport that requires self-discipline and team spirits which has never been film in the Malaysian market. A storyline which brings out positive themes of bravery, loyalty and friendship, it focuses on young people who must find belief within themselves, the strength to overcome great danger to save whom they care for. ‘Rentap’ has a good combination of entertaining features such as spectacular Parkour sequences, comedy elements, breathtaking scenes together with a touch of romance! A perfect blend for today’s youth!.



En 1990, un célibataire solitaire nommé David cherche à échapper à la corvée quotidienne de prendre soin de sa mère vieillissante. En cherchant un partenaire via un service de rencontres vidéo, il découvre une étrange cassette VHS appelée Rent-A-Pal. Animée par le charmant et charismatique Andy, la bande lui offre la compagnie, la compassion et l'amitié indispensables. Mais l'amitié d'Andy a un coût, et David a désespérément du mal à payer le prix de l'admission..

Peransang Rentap

Peransang Rentap

Having admired the brave Sarawakian warrior Rentap, Jenang has a dream of joining his fight against the British. However, much to his disappointment, Jenang is not allowed to participate. A chance encounter with Entiang, a girl from the opposite village, leads to him falling for her. Things only get tougher for Jenang, as now he has to face off with Jambai to win Entiang's heart..

Rent a Person Who Does Nothing

Rent a Person Who Does Nothing

The main character provides a highly unusual service by offering his companionship in exchange for the humble fee of covered transportation costs and payment of his food and beverage tab. Joining others to file legal papers, enjoy a denied icy treat, or to ride a train’s entire loop just for the fun of it, are typical of the requests he takes on. He is blessed with a young son and an extremely supportive wife. Interestingly enough, this person who does nothing, save for answering the simplest of questions, manages to warm the hearts of the people he meets..