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Une jeune manucure belge, Carole, travaille et vit à Londres avec sa sœur Hélène. Carole, introvertie, a des problèmes relationnels avec les hommes. Elle repousse Colin, qui la courtise et n’apprécie pas Michael, l’amant de sa sœur. Quand celle-ci part avec Michael, Carole sombre progressivement dans la névrose. Recluse, elle bascule dans la schizophrénie, et devient hantée par des bruits….

Heat vs. Repulsion

Heat vs. Repulsion

A guy who can manipulate gravity battles a fellow who controls heat in this wonderfully choreographed battle. We have no idea why these figures are fighting, but it's a lot of fun watching them go at it. The concept work, animation, backgrounds, and compositing for Heat vs Repulsion were apparently all done over the course of six months by a 19-year-old student who goes by Optical-Core..



As his family home is set to be demolished during urban renewal, Hao decides to buy a new house with his inheritance from his father so as to get away from this sad place and start a new life elsewhere with his mother, Hsia. However, in the meantime, he finds out that Hsia has continued using the inheritance money to make political contributions, for she is such a political fanatic. Somehow, Hsia believes that only CHIANG Chung-Yao, the latest candidate running for mayor, can bring about a bright future for all. Eventually, Hao has chosen to hold his mother captive for fear that Hsia will be duped into giving away all the inherited assets..