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'Perkele' is a finely tuned comedy about Finnish men. All the three episodes of the film take place in the countryside of wintry Finland. It's a place filled with snow and silent people trying to endure the winter.

Fuck Off 2 - Images from Finland

Fuck Off 2 - Images from Finland

In „Fuck Off 2“, Donner waxes sarcastic about the scourges in Finnish society by interviewing regular people. The film takes a theme of different living possibilities. Some people find happiness, others succumb to depression. Many still dream of a better life somewhere else. Donner himself undergoes cardiac surgery..

Fuck Off! Images from Finland

Fuck Off! Images from Finland

F*** Off! shows no false respect towards the authorities in its impudent and candid reportage of the developing country/welfare state Finland. It is a cinematic parallel to Donner's New Book of Our Land (1967). The travelogue focuses especially on Finland's outsiders, low-paid workers and the unemployed. In desolate provinces, the inhabitants of a cold and barren country either humbly abide their fate, choose to move to Sweden or take refuge in excessive drinking. These images are accompanied by protest songs based on Donner's own prose and the lyrics of poet Jarkko Laine. Perkele is embodied in big business and the political elite.The jagged (anti)aesthetics of the film correspond to the underground movement and the radical politics of the time. The camera agilely penetrates everyday life. Though opposed to censorship, Fuck Off! itself transgresses the boundaries of privacy..

Tanjuska and the 7 Devils

Tanjuska and the 7 Devils

A documentary about Tanjuska who is a 12-year-old White-Russian schoolgirl, with a face like an icon. Two years ago she stopped eating, then talking and finally she stopped growing. The village priest in Estonia has explained to the family that seven devils have made a home inside Tanjuska. These devils are giving her orders and only a daily ceremony can force the devils to leave the girl..

No perkele

No perkele

Ossi desperately wants to be accepted by the office ski fanatics to be seen as one of the guys. He grabs his skis and hits the trail. “No perkele” is a comedy short about expectations of being a man in Finland..

Saatana perkele helvettiin

Saatana perkele helvettiin

About the Korpela movement or Siikavaara sect active during the 1930's in the far north of Sweden. Toivo Korpela a Laestadian preacher was outmanoeuvred by Sigurd Siikavaara and returned to Finland. Siikavaara who preferred apocalyptic beliefs and ecstatic rituals soon gathered a large following and became prophet #1. With Artur Niemi, prophet #2, he draped and enhanced the rituals with total sexual freedom. At the trial in 1939 Siikavaara assured that he had not been sober one day during the last 8 years. Chanting "Saatana, Saatana, Helvettin, Babylon,Perkele" over and over. Swearing and cursing all the way to Eden..

Milka: A Film About Taboos

Milka: A Film About Taboos

Based on a novel by the late Finnish writer Timo Mukka, this simple story focuses on what happens when Milka (Irma Huntus), a girl barely out of childhood, gets pregnant by Ojanen (Matti Turunen) a rustic fieldhand. Her own mother had been hoping to marry Ojanen, and her daughter's pregnancy turns their lives around. Set in the Lapp country of northern Finland, the scenery is breathtaking, made even more so by the isolation of the region. A sense of natural solitude is underscored by a slow-moving dialogue interspersed with long silences, and the connection between nature and the dialogue is underscored as the young Milka recites poetry while out in the countryside. The fate of Milka and her mother, however, is connected to the decision that Ojanen makes at the end..