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Ce documentaire retrace l'histoire paisible du surf italien ainsi que la passion et la persévérance des pionniers qui lui ont donné ses lettres de noblesse..



Trying to connect with his estranged son Toby (Jasper Sutcliffe), and confronted by a neighbor, Amber (Amber Ranson), who does things differently, Mark (Tom Trevella) is forced out of his comfort zone, and there are unexpected consequences..



Un groupe de soldats forcés de retourner dans la péninsule coréenne découvrent que des survivants non contaminés se sont regroupés dans une bande bien plus dangereuse que les zombies..

Korean Peninsula

Korean Peninsula

In a time somewhere in the future, North and South Korea have joined to form a unified Korean Peninsula. Suh Myung-Joon (Hwang Jeong-min) is the president of this newly-formed, fragile country. He strives to protect the alliance when the two sides begin a vicious battle over the country's natural resources. In this endeavour he's supported by his beautiful wife Lim Jin-Jae (Kim Jung-Eun), and finds a rival in NIS agent Kang Dong-Won (Ji Hoo)..

The Train and the Peninsula

The Train and the Peninsula

In 2020 an enormous government project started in Mexico. Some 1525 kilometres of railway tracks are being built, more or less along the coast, on the peninsula of Yucatán, the cradle of Mayan culture. The filmmakers follow the route, where some of the tracks are already in place, and where a train once ran. With archival footage and serene views of the splendid landscape, they calmly investigate what the colourful people who live along the route think of Tren Maya. Much is already being lost as a result of tourism, especially in the coastal resorts of Cancun and Tulum, since Mayan culture is so closely intertwined with nature. The broad variety of backgrounds and ages of the inhabitants of Yucatán yields a nuanced and colourful story..

Los últimos héroes de la península

Los últimos héroes de la península

Legend says once there were five world boxing champions living at the same time, in the same city of the Yucatan Peninsula. Common people felt proud about them, since they recognized these were men who came from their same background; they called them “The last Mayan Warriors”. This is the story of the lives —with their bitter moments and sweet victories— of these boxers who once had it all… but who also lost it all..

La península de los volcanes

La península de los volcanes

The documentary portrays the desires and ftures of four young people from the third year of secundary education in Chile. Two of them attend the industrial high school in the San Joaquín commune, where they have already begun their training as a textile technician. They both have dreams, they want to study, work, start a family and improve themselves. On the other hand, at the exclusive Saint George school, two students study in privileged conditions. They want to be professionals and develop through the arts. This is the portrait of two worlds located less than 20 kilometers apart and that can only be together in the audiovisual montage. It is the manifestation of the coincidences and contradictions that exist between the realities and the discourses of four young Chilean students in a fundamental stage for their future..

2.5% – The Osa Peninsula

2.5% – The Osa Peninsula

The tropical rainforest of Costa Rica’s Osa Peninsula contains 2.5% of the world’s biodiversity on less than one millionth of the planet’s surface. Its incredible natural beauty has caught the eye of the tourism industry and the planned construction of an international airport threatens to transform the region forever. Spanning more than five years, 2.5% – The Osa Peninsula weaves together voices from Osa residents, local leaders and conservation experts as they attempt to build a tourism industry that balances environmental protection with the needs of local communities. With themes that resonate well beyond the borders of Costa Rica, the film illuminates the effects of tourism development on local communities and offers a hopeful vision for the future of travel in the planet's most fragile places..

Peninsula Mitre

Peninsula Mitre

The Gauchos del Mar brothers perform an unprecedented expedition by foot with 35kgs+ on their backs during 53 days on the easternmost tip of Tierra del Fuego Province, a pristine area where no one lives. The brothers have the goal of surfing a world-class wave never ridden before at the Cape San Diego Lighthouse, the most easterly point. To get there they overcome heavy terrains, scarcity of food and harsh climate. With no communication whatsoever they document the region and decide to share their message of environmentalism, avoiding consumerism and living simply in order to protect Península Mitre forever!.

Spring in the Korean Peninsula

Spring in the Korean Peninsula

Film producer Lee Yeong-il is introduced to Jeong-hee, his friend's little sister. Unable to find an appropriate slot for her in his movie, he gets her a job in a record company and watches out for her. In time, their love grows deeper. Meanwhile, director Heo Hoon, who is making the film 'The Story of Chun-hyang' with Yeong-il, fires the lead actress of the film, Anna, when she causes too much trouble. Instead, Jeong-hee is hired in her place. Just as Jeong-hee proves herself worthy of the casting and the film-making progresses smoothly, Yeong-il and Heo Hoon face financial difficulties. Yeong-il turns to embezzlement in desperation and is thrown in jail..

Peninsula Tour

Peninsula Tour

Peninsula Tour departs from Seoul and travels through the “Asian Highway” into China. This tour finds the worlds dis/continuity through air and land, virtuality and reality, old and new technologies. The tour ends up with an unexpected encounter of a German traveler who visited North Korea. The film reflects the hypocrisy and the deception of globalization, freedom and unification today through a stranger with similar experiences..