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Peter Houseman, un jeune chercheur à l'Université de Virginie, découvre une substance permettant d'interrompre le processus du vieillissement. Il décide de tester sur lui-même les effets de sa découverte. Mais l'injection du serum provoque des crises d'amnésie et de fureur incontrolable..



Trois jeunes voyagent à travers la campagne hongroise dans l'espoir d'étayer la thèse au sujet de la légendaire Comtesse Elizabeth Bathory, réputée pour s'être baignée dans le sang au XVIIème siècle. Mais ils se perdent sur le retour, jusqu'à ce qu'une étrange jeune femme leur propose de les conduire au château Bathory..



Inspired by «The Conference of the Birds» by Farid al-Din 'Attar, an 18th century Persian poem, the film tells of a flock of birds that travel following a hoopoe, towards the Mountain of Kafh, home of King Simourgh, from whom they expect to receive the answers to all their questions. Between dream and reality, the birds will cross the 7 valleys..



Seeking refuge on an island in Upstate New York, a married couple's final attempt to salvage their failing relationship takes a turn for the worse when the husband begins to regress emotionally, mentally, and physically..



Born with both male and female genitals, but raised like a boy by his conservative family, Adam goes through all the things prepubescent boys go through, including a fascination with strange animals he takes for pets and being smitten by a lovely girl. His bucolic world turns upside down when he gets his first menstrual period setting him off on a journey that tests the spiritual and physical limits of sexual identity and into a new world of ambiguity and desire..



Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman, wakes up in his bed to find himself transformed into a large insect. After the metamorphosis, he becomes confined to his room and neglected by his family..



Steven Berkoff's iconic adaptation of Franz Kafka’s novella, which tells the tale of a traveling salesman who is transformed into an insect, is brought to life in this highly physical and visually striking production. Captured live at the Parco Theater in Tokyo, this landmark performance is in Japanese with English subtitles. Considered one of Berkoff’s masterpieces and performed multiple times since it first appeared in 1969, Metamorphosis combines elements of sound, physicality and minimalist design to recreate Kafka’s absurdist world on stage..



TV film of Steven Berkoff's stage adaption of Kafka's famous story in which a young man, who is the sole financial supporter of his family, awakes one morning in the form of a giant dung beetle and thereby becomes a nuisance to his family, who must now learn to rely upon themselves..



Métamorphose capte la portée véritable de la crise environnementale qui secoue le monde entier : des feux de forêt consument des communautés, des espèces disparaissent et des écosystèmes entiers s’effondrent. Mais cette crise offre également l’occasion d’une transformation. Métamorphose se penche sur les voies inexplorées auxquelles donnera accès cette transformation de l’humanité issue des crises environnementales qu’elle a elle-même provoquées..



A young couple details the changes in their relationship as time has gone on, represented by a pretty significant change in one of the partners..



Il est trentenaire et habite encore chez sa mère. Taciturne et tourmenté, il a définitivement perdu contact avec la réalité. Une nuit, resté seul, il décide de se libérer une fois pour toutes de ses démons intérieurs..



Metamorphosis is a story of an irreversible change seen through the eyes of one of Catalunias many invisible citizens: Laia. From her individual experiences, we will follow the process of Barcelona In Common from the public presentation as Guanyem Barcelona in June 2014, to the victory in the municipal elections of May 2015 that lead Ada Colau to be the first female mayor of Barcelona. This documentary wants to portray the will of this group of citizens to articulate a space of confluence of social movements, neighborhood and political actors, aiming to the conquest of municipal power..



A butterfly is resurrected from a rare specimen collection and explores the ruins of an ancient civilization that leads to a mysterious underground frozen cave. In the cave, the butterfly meets the Butterfly Man, who is an amalgamation of many other butterflies. The two dance and transform between the human and butterfly shapes. The frozen environment gradually melts, plants and organisms begin to wake up around them. Eventually, the butterfly man is blown away by the wind and becomes part of the natural environment. Metamorphosis reflects my concerns about human memory of lost time. The film explores philosophical ideas about life forms decomposing and then transforming into new organisms, between dreams and reality, and between humans..