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Mary Anning

Mary Anning

England, 19th century. 12-year-old Mary is passionate about the fossils that she collects and sells with her father. When he accidentally dies near the fossil cliffs, Mary, her brother and her mother struggle to make the payments for the family house, meaning they will probably have to leave the seaside that Maëlys loves so much. But her father left a mysterious message: what was it that he saw on the cliffs before he died? With some help from her friends, Mary will fight to save her home and continue to do what she loves, searching for fossils, in the midst of a society where girls should not ​“behave like men”. Mary doesn’t know it yet, but she’s going to go down in history….



Marie-Antoinette est âgée d’à peine 14 ans quand elle quitte l’Autriche et sa mère pour épouser le dauphin en France. C’est encore une jeune enfant têtue et dissipée qui doit se plier aux règles françaises, nombreuses et compliquées. La jeune princesse souffre rapidement de ne pouvoir vivre sa vie comme elle l’entend. Elle est constamment sous pression pour perpétuer la lignée des Bourbons. Une mission plus compliquée que prévue : même si la relation entre Marie-Antoinette et Louis XVI s’améliore au fil du temps, sept années leur seront nécessaires pour consommer leur mariage..

Mary Anning and the Dinosaur Hunters

Mary Anning and the Dinosaur Hunters

The film reveals the life, plight and loves of the eminent Mary Anning, an 1800's fossil hunter - navigating her career and research in a male dominated society at a time when women's research was largely unrecognised or plagiarised by men. Predominantly unknown despite her spectacular finds, including Icthyiousauri, a Pterodactyl and Plesiosaurus, and notwithstanding the fact that Darwins' 'Origin of Species' was largely influenced by her work. She is at last becoming the most celebrated paleontologist of all time..