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A group of friends decide to escape the daily hustle and bustle of LA, by going on a camping adventure. But when they encounter an infected man, their adventure soon turns to the fight for survival and now they must escape the Malady..

Tropical Malady

Tropical Malady

Keng, le jeune soldat, et Tong, le garçon de la campagne mènent une vie douce et agréable. Le temps s'écoule, rythmé par les sorties en ville, les matchs de foot et les soirées chaleureuses dans la famille de Tong. Un jour, alors que les vaches de la région sont égorgées par un animal sauvage, Tong disparaît. Une légende dit qu'un homme peut être transformé en créature sauvage... Keng va se rendre seul au cœur de la jungle tropicale où le mythe rejoint souvent la réalité..

Electric Malady

Electric Malady

Allergic to electronics and isolated in the Swedish wilderness in a homemade turtle shell of thick blankets. Meet 40-year-old William, whose mysterious condition is not recognised by the world..

Malady of Mine

Malady of Mine

Upon discovering that the source of his artistic inspiration is linked to the disease that's killing him, a young painter must decide what's more important to him: his work, or his emotional and physical well-being..

Morrissey: The Malady Lingers On

Morrissey: The Malady Lingers On

Nine music videos from alt-pop icon Morrissey, whose brooding wit, elegant style and literate lyrics have earned him legions of fans throughout his long and prolific career, are presented in this 1993 compilation. Songs include "Glamorous Glue," "Certain People I Know," "Tomorrow," "We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful, "My Love Life," "You're the One For Me," "Fatty," "Sing Your Life" and "Pregnant For the Last Time.".

Malady of the Infinite

Malady of the Infinite

A desaturated image of Edvard Munch’s painting Der Schrei der Natur (The Scream of Nature) is overlaid with several monochromatic images of landscapes and seascapes. The film uses an original soundtrack employing a discordance between sound and images to explore the incongruity between the auditory and visual sensory modalities. The soundtrack in the film is a constant distraction in terms of visual perception and vice versa, i.e, the images in the film are a constant distraction in terms of auditory perception..

The Malady of Death

The Malady of Death

The Malady of Death is an adaptation of Marguerite Duras's story of the same name: her text comprises the voiceover, which is a particular reading of the story in which word and image, in a complex interplay, explore male sexuality..

Maladie d'amour

Maladie d'amour

Clément Cotrel, interne au département cancérologie de Bordeaux, tombe amoureux de la maîtresse de son supérieur qui va briser sa carrière....

The Malady of Love

The Malady of Love

Physician Robert Briand (Robin Renucci) runs a leper colony in the 15th century that takes in new residents who suffer from the ravages of syphilis. When the beautiful Marie-Blanche (Isabelle Pasco) is brought to the grim, prison-like facility, Robert finds she displays no apparent signs of disease. He risks everything when he falls in love with the woman and makes plans to run away with her. Erland Josephson plays Robert's father, with Piera Degli Esposti as Robert's faithful assistant Terese..

The Malady of Death

The Malady of Death

In the space of a short 65 minutes, a woman enters the luxury apartment of a wealthy man with an eccentric fascination for the female form and is paid both for her sexual favors and for lying there naked and letting him examine the aesthetics of her body. For most of the hour, as the concise narration of Marguerite Duras' novel on eroticism and aesthetics fills the aural gaps, actress Marie Colbin's form fills the visual gaps. But unless viewers consider the feminine eyeball or microscopic views of skin exotic and worth lingering over, the eroticism lies more in the imagination than on the screen. In fact, the female body lying on the bed, taken away from the spirit that animates it, is really just a corpse -- raising the question, exactly what is the "malady of death?".