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Lessons in Love

Lessons in Love

Professeur d'anglais à l'Université Jack Marcus déplore l'utilisation obsessionnelle qu'ont ses élèves des réseaux sociaux. Ancienne star littéraire et en crise personnelle, Jack n'a pas publié depuis des années. Il retrouve son inspiration au travers d'une rivalité avec Dina Delsanto, une peintre abstraite autrefois célèbre pour son art, reconvertie en enseignante, à cause d'une arthrite précoce. Dès le début, les deux flirtent et se provoquent avec la même délectation. Ils embrigaderont leurs élèves dans une joute pour savoir quelle est la plus belle forme d'art : les images ou les mots..

Lessons in Love

Lessons in Love

The story is about a woman who is abducted and forced to watch footage of captives getting molested. She doesn't know whether the sexual torture is amateur porn, or if these are sex crimes caught on tape. As she is exposed to more of the disturbing images, her captor starts changing his behavior. She senses that time is running out for her but escape seems impossible …….

Lessons in Love

Lessons in Love

A photograph from Carol's recent shoot reveals a threatening man harassing a woman in his car. Suspicious, Carol enlarges the photo and brings it to her friend, a novice police officer, who in turn passes it to her boss. The police captain realizes the man is a detective on the force named Childs and warns him of his behavior. But Childs is out for revenge, putting Gina, Carol and others into harm's way..

Love Lesson

Love Lesson

Korea's most popular song writer Hee-soo runs into a nineteen-year-old boy in the elevator. Hee-soo is inspired by a new song watching him shake at her figure. She starts to tell him about women under the excuse that she's teaching him music. They fall for each other but things get complicated when her life teacher, Joon-ho who taught her about life and music comes back..

Lesson in Love

Lesson in Love

New female teacher became a target of a trouble making gifted student's bullying. But their confrontations soon developed a romantic undertone and they began to have a secret affair that played fast and loose with their feelings..

Fragonard, les gammes de l'amour

Fragonard, les gammes de l'amour

Au siècle des Lumières, le libertinage s'exprime dans les arts avec la recherche du bonheur et des plaisirs charnels ; le Marquis de Sade écrit La nouvelle Justine, Mozart compose Don Giovanni... et Fragonard peint l'Escarpolette. Il traduit ainsi le siècle qui se libère des contraintes religieuses et philosophiques pour défendre la liberté amoureuse et bien sûr sexuelle. Ce documentaire aborde la complexité des relations du peintre à l'Amour car il n'est pas que le peintre du libertinage. Il raconte aussi sa relation à son entourage et au siècle qui l'a révélé..

Love Lesson

Love Lesson

Students who come to Yogyakarta to study, also have their first taste of love and sex. Three friends, Benny, Lesmono, and Larso find this out for themselves. Benny, a ladies’ man, introduces his friends to prostitution. Lesmono is secretly in love with Indri, but she falls into the hands of Benny. Benny, who takes life very lightly, manages to smuggle Indri into his room in the lodging house. When he goes home to Jakarta, Indri is anxious because she misses her period. Lesmono helps her to find a shaman who can perform an abortion. But when she goes to see a doctor, she finds out that she is not pregnant after all. Lesmono hopes to get Indri back but his hopes vanish when Benny returns and Indri goes back to him. Attempting to represent the teenagers’ psychological state in relation to love and sex; the film only manages to be jokey and shallow..

Love Lessons

Love Lessons

Eliza is a strong and independent woman. She works as the Polish teacher in a village school and begins an affair with the village bad boy Stach. They have a child out of wedlock. When Stach is sent as a forced labourer to Germany, Eliza with her baby sets off on an epic journey to be reunited with her lover.

Petite leçon d'amour

Petite leçon d'amour

Un café parisien, des copies égarées, la lettre d’amour d’une lycéenne à son professeur de maths : il n’en faut pas plus à Julie, promeneuse de chiens à ses heures perdues, pour se lancer dans une folle enquête. Elle a peu de temps pour éviter le pire, l’adolescente semble prête à tout. Par où commencer ? Retrouver le prof, et l’entraîner jusqu’à l’aube dans une course effrénée….

3 Lessons of Love

3 Lessons of Love

The rigid professor Germán, president of the League of Honor and Modesty, hates statues of naked women, but the spirit of his ancestor Casanova leads him to episodes of debauchery and conquest. Married to the rigid Severa, he becomes a corrupt mayor. Only the moralistic Rosa will be able to free him from these strange influences to improve his life and that of the town..

The First Lesson of True Love

The First Lesson of True Love

Ranbil, a man who is afraid of love and is studying about love from a book. Including from friends around him, with Thip, a young woman who was once disappointed in love and who was Ranbil's first love, to make Ranbil test his true love lesson..

Lessons of love

Lessons of love

Pendant des décennies, Jola a fait ce qu'on attendait d'elle. En tant que mère de six enfants et épouse d'un mari violent, elle mettait son maquillage et ses vêtements colorés pour prétendre que tout allait bien. Un jour, quelque chose se brise en elle et elle trouve la force de quitter son mari et de commencer à vivre pleinement..

Lessons of Love

Lessons of Love

Thirty-year-old Yuri and his father run the last farm left in a small, remote mountain village. Desperate to find love, Yuri meets a young woman in a strip club. Chiara Campara's fiction film debut takes a hyperreal approach to portray forgotten members of society, giving the story an incredibly authentic feel..